Advantages And Disadvantages Of Green Tea In Pregnancy

Green tea in pregnancy has more disadvantages than advantages because it contains caffeine within its components. Before consuming it, it is essential to consult with your doctor.
Advantages and disadvantages of green tea in pregnancy

There have always been doubts about drinking green tea in pregnancy, mainly because it contains caffeine among its properties. As caffeine is a risk during pregnancy, low consumption is often recommended and even not done.

Advantages and disadvantages of green tea in pregnancy

Consuming caffeine in large quantities during pregnancy is a risk for the baby, so, in case of drinking green tea, it should be 25 to 50 mg per cup, and this will depend on how long it is left to infuse. Also, you should always consult your doctor.

The truth is that green tea has many more disadvantages than advantages during pregnancy  , mainly due to its caffeine levels, which can be significantly harmful to the baby. We will explain it in detail:

Disadvantages of green tea in pregnancy

  • High intakes of green tea have been linked to babies born with neural tube defects, such as spina bifida. This is because green tea hinders the absorption of folic acid, a component that is essential during the first 12 weeks.
  • It hinders the absorption of non-heme iron, which can be a problem if the mother follows a vegetarian diet or is prone to anemia.
    Pregnant woman in her kitchen making an infusion tea.
  • Containing caffeine, green tea in pregnancy can act as a stimulant. This can be, mainly, at the end of the pregnancy, when, generally, they appear inconveniences to fall asleep.
  • Exceeding the recommended dose, a miscarriage could occur.

Advantages of green tea in pregnancy

  • Green tea contains polyphenols, which prevent cardiovascular disease. 
  • It also contains antioxidants, which slow down cellular aging.
  • Protects against certain types of diseases such as diabetes.
  • By consuming green tea, you will be consuming a large amount of water. This reduces certain discomforts typical of pregnancy, such as constipation, headaches, among others.

According to some research carried out by the University of Granada, 95% of pregnant women take preparations with caffeine at some point during their pregnancy.

Other teas that are not recommended, like green tea in pregnancy

Some teas are usually less recommended than others during pregnancy. Generally, this type of drink is known for its many health benefits, but, during pregnancy, caffeine can become a problem that can harm the baby. Therefore, below we will explain which teas are not recommended during pregnancy:

Sage tea

This type of tea contains a component called thujone, which is considered to stimulate the uterus and cause spontaneous abortions, as well as high blood pressure.

Valerian tea

Although this type of tea is known to help you fall asleep, it can be harmful in pregnancy. If you are drinking valerian tea, it is essential that you consult your doctor.

Chamomile tea

This tea has multiple benefits in the body, even in pregnancy, because it helps fight insomnia, nausea and digestive problems. Still, it is not recommended because it can cause circulatory problems in the baby.

Woman drinking an infusion or green tea during pregnancy.

Eucalyptus tea

Eucalyptus can be really beneficial for treating respiratory problems, but when it comes to pregnancy, it is best to avoid it. This is because it can cause nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting.

Parsley tea

When this type of tea is consumed in large quantities, it can be harmful during pregnancy. This can affect the proper development of the baby, even, in many cases, it can cause spontaneous abortion.

Rhubarb tea

Rhubarb is a plant that stimulates the movement of the smooth muscles of the organs, such as the stomach, liver and intestines. In addition, it can have abortive effects because it causes very strong uterine contractions. It is one of the most dangerous.

Pennyroyal mint tea 

Another of the teas that are considered most dangerous in pregnancy is pennyroyal tea. This is because, when consuming it, the baby could suffer malformations.

Green tea has many benefits for the body and health, but, as it has caffeine, it can be harmful during pregnancy, so it is recommended to consume very little, in addition to always consulting with your doctor before doing so.

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