A Study Demonstrates The Benefits Of Organic EVOO During Breastfeeding

Do you suffer from sore or cracked nipple while breastfeeding? You may be interested in knowing the properties of EVOO to treat these problems.
A study shows the benefits of organic EVOO during breastfeeding

EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) is one of the staples of the Mediterranean diet. It has a series of essential nutrients capable of exerting benefits on the state of health. In fact, it is considered cardioprotective and a good agent for controlling inflammation.

However, it is also possible to include this product in the routines of pregnant women to obtain a series of special positive effects. During this state it is important to guarantee a certain caloric surplus, as well as to satisfy the increases in nutritional demands.

The impact of EVOO used as an element for topical use

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO).

A study published in the journal Health Care for Women International states that applying EVOO to the nipple area of ​​women during breastfeeding reduces pain and cracking. This allows the feeding period to be extended, which generates health benefits for the child.

Keep in mind that breastfeeding is the best food for the baby. It has a series of essential nutrients and bioactive compounds capable of ensuring optimal development. In addition, its contribution throughout the first year of life reduces the incidence of autoimmune problems.

The research analyzed a total of 120 women, concluding a significant effect on preventing nipple problems compared to the placebo group. For this reason it could be recommended as a treatment. However, the application of breast milk itself on the nipple is just as effective in reducing pain and cracks.

One of the reasons for the protective nature of EVOO on the skin is its antioxidant and vitamin E content. These elements manage to prevent tissue degeneration, in addition to ensuring its hydration. Its greasy character also helps in the process.

The benefits of consuming EVOO while breastfeeding

However, EVOO does not only have benefits when applied topically. Its consumption during the lactation period also generates positive effects, in this case on the health of the fetus. It is a food that stands out for its concentration of fatty acids from the omega 3 series.

These compounds are able to help brain development in infants, as stated by research published in the journal Nutrients . Its intake in adequate doses reduces the risk of developing behavioral disorders and other cognitive pathologies.

On the other hand, it will stabilize the inflammatory mechanisms, which is related to a lower risk of developing complex pathologies in the future. Among them the cardiovascular type could be highlighted.

It is important to use raw EVOO

It must be taken into account that to extract the benefits of EVOO it is necessary that this food be used or consumed raw. If subjected to aggressive heat treatments, its fatty acids can change to the trans type. These elements are associated with an increase in the levels of inflammation in the body.

Likewise, trans lipids can increase the risk of developing complex diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. This is evidenced by a study published in the journal Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome . It is a chronic disease that worsens over time and affects the well-being of the person.

Salad with EVOO.

The intake of these compounds during the early stages of life is considered especially harmful, since trans lipids also impact on the diversity of the microbiota. In this way, their functions are impaired.

Olive oil is a beneficial element during breastfeeding

As discussed, it is possible to extract several benefits from EVOO during breastfeeding. Applying it topically to the nipple area reduces pain, cracks and irritation. Likewise, its consumption through the diet modulates inflammation and ensures the development of the baby’s brain system.

However, try to eat EVOO in moderation. Despite being categorized as beneficial, it has a high caloric density. Its inclusion in the diet in large quantities could generate an energy imbalance, which translates into an increase in women’s body weight.

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