A Mind Full Of Memories Is The Path To Your Child’s Happiness

Filling your child’s mind with fond memories of their childhood will only have positive consequences in the future. Learn in this article to be more aware of it!
A mind full of memories is the way to your child's happiness

The happiness of your child, like that of any human being, also depends on treasuring fond memories. A mind full of happy memories makes that person feel good and loved.

In this article we explain the reason for our thesis.

Autobiographical memory

Autobiographical memory is the set of memories we have of our past and what we know about ourselves.

Autobiographical memory begins to form around the age of 3, but it is not a fact that it occurs at that stage either. Many of us cannot remember what happened to us before we were 7 or 8 years old.

The plasticity of the brain during childhood is amazing and as we grow older much of what we have experienced is forgotten and replaced by learning new experiences.

However, recent studies have concluded that parents can influence, in some way, the formation of their children’s memories even when they are small.

Here’s how.

Memories of a happy childhood

In order to create memories that show a happy childhood, the first thing to do is make that childhood truly happy. Amid so much happiness, your child’s brain will be in charge of recording the odd good moment.


You should also know that childhood is a stage characterized by inexperience and innocence. For this reason, for children, life itself is an extremely interesting adventure.

Based on this knowledge, not a few experienced in the subject report that the best experiences are formed with living, exploration and practice.

A child can listen to readings about butterflies and even see them in a cartoon; however, these experiences are unlikely to ever become memories.

On the other hand, a visit to a flowery garden where there are colored butterflies, large and small in size, that flutter around you and perch on the flowers, can be a memory that accompanies you into adulthood.

The perfume you use to go out, the softness of the blankets that you put on his bed, the way you caress him, your voice when singing, the cake you make him for snacks … any of these fleeting moments can remain etched in his memory forever.

What good is a mind full of good memories?

The information of our walk through life is “stored” in the brain as we grow and interact with the world. All this will create our long-term memory which we will use to build our identity.

Memories help you make better decisions. Who assimilated a lived experience and learned from it is able to solve their problems in a better way.

Also, the psychological and emotional well-being that fond memories produce translates into better social relationships and is the beginning of the formation of self-esteem, self-acceptance and being satisfied with who we are.


A mind full of memories is the way to your child’s happiness

Parents can influence the memory of our child by providing pleasant moments and emphasizing them with all the resources we can.
If, for example, you are going to celebrate his birthday party and you want him to remember it for years to come:

Talk about that moment days before it happens. Its meaning, how important it is going to be both for his life and for the rest of the family, and listen to his opinion of how he wants it to be
Make him a participant in the preparations and planning of the activity
Film and photograph the moment with as much detail as you can
Talk about the party after it happens
• Draw pictures and make up songs about what happened on the birthday
Talk about the activity and look at its pictures in future stages. Recall all the feelings that caused you and review together what you remember about her.

Mom, give your son the opportunity to have a happy childhood, for that, be the accomplice of his adventures.

Spend time alone with just the two of you to cuddle up and talk about your ideas and emotions.

Give him confidence, support him, hug him, take trips together, play, laugh, dance …

Show him from a very young age that life is beautiful and must be enjoyed as the best gift the universe gave us.

Teach him to be positive and optimistic, to see the light, more than at the end, at the beginning of the road.

In this way, you can be one of their best memories.

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