How To Take Care Of The Newborn’s Skin?

The delicate skin of the newborn baby is easily irritated by various factors. With the following information, you will know everything you need to maintain the health of your skin in optimal condition.
How to take care of the newborn's skin?

Babies’ skin is indisputably delicate and sensitive during their first days of life. The little one has changed the habitat in which it was formed for nine months and its skin is not only adapting to the new conditions, but also has to face new external conditions.

For example, the little one is forced to struggle with factors such as exposure to cleaning products, the rubbing of his skin with clothing or the contact of the diaper. Hence, one of the frequent questions of parents is how to take care of the newborn’s skin?

Fortunately, following a series of simple tips it is possible to give the little one the precise care in its cleaning and balanced hydration. Thus, the appearance of flaking and dehydration of your skin, so common during its first days, is reduced as much as possible.

How to take care of the newborn’s skin?

Newborn baby’s skin is very delicate. This is mainly due to the radical habitat change that the child undergoes.

Suddenly, the little one  goes from being in an aqueous environment, in which his skin was externally covered by a layer of protective fat present in the amniotic fluid, to being exposed to contact with different materials and substances without the humidification to which it is his skin was used to it.

Starting from this premise, it is clear that there are four factors that will affect the good health of the child’s skin. These will be: a reduced exposure to the humidity of the diaper, the precise use of dermatological soaps for bath time, the use of clothing with noble fabrics for the child’s skin and adequate hydration twice a day.

Atopic skin requires little special care.

Frequent diaper changes

With the beginning of the baby’s stools at birth, his skin comes into contact with the bacteria present in the stool and also in the urine;  therefore, it can become irritated if its hygiene is not provided in an expeditious manner.

The first advice to take care of the baby’s skin is directed to the use of extra absorbent diapers, cleaning wipes free of soap or chemicals and creams to avoid the annoying diaper rash.


The hygiene of the baby during its first days of birth should not include, if possible, the use of soaps. It is recommended to use only water and not scrub the skin in any way. In case of including products for cleaning the skin, it should be a small amount and with soaps with pH 4, which are not abrasive to the skin.

On the other hand, it is not recommended to bathe the baby more than twice a week, and it is best to do it for very short periods of time. You also have to take special care with the umbilical cord. Another important detail is, at the end, gently dry all the baby’s skin without rubbing.

Recommended clothing fabrics for your skin

The newborn baby should wear 100% cotton clothing. It is important not to be tempted to dress them in fabrics that appear soft, as it is not only subtlety to the touch that is sought when protecting the baby’s skin.

More important than softness is to avoid allergies or skin irritations due to the presence of fibers that may be synthetic or that have contaminating particles from dyes.

However, it is also important to take into account the type of detergent to wash the child’s clothes. Specific baby products should be used until the child reaches 6 months of age. Although towels and bedding must always be washed very frequently, using fabric softener is not recommended.

How to take care of the newborn's skin?

Moisturize baby’s skin

As we discussed in the introduction, baby’s skin during its first days of birth is especially prone to dehydration and flaking. This is a natural process and, in theory, parents need not worry.

However, it is good that they use specialized creams to maintain the correct moisture in the baby’s skin and thus prevent them from feeling discomfort or discomfort. In that sense, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer to the little one twice a day; of course, that it is emollient and special for the baby’s skin.

As a final recommendation, remember to consult with your pediatrician about the best cream options for children and do not hesitate to take the little one to an emergency medical consultation if you notice abnormal changes in their skin.

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