Social Activities, What Should Your Participation Be?

There are some social activities that children can participate in, but others are better off not. Parents must have good judgment in knowing where to promote children’s participation.
Social activities, what should be your participation?

Children’s participation in social activities is important to help them develop their group skills, but it should be noted that not all of these are designed for them. In this sense, it is necessary to worry about distinguishing which of the activities that we carry out as adults are appropriate for children and which are not.

Some parents tend to take their children to all the parties and events to which they are invited, even when they involve activities that involve exclusive agendas for specialists or social interaction oriented to fun only for adults. In general, these types of programs include alcohol consumption, inappropriate conversations for children or particular dances.

In addition to parties, we can also talk about other events to which we must decide whether to take our children or not, for example funerals, political events, carrying out paperwork or visiting the sick in hospitals.

It is possible that many of these parents take their children with them because they have no one to leave them with or because they do not think it is wrong to take them. However, it is in these activities where children can learn customs that we would not like to see in them or it can also happen that they become stressed and tired because they are doing something that is not suitable for them.

In this regard, it is always advisable to teach by example and to assume with determination all the responsibilities of parents. It is very important to carefully select those meetings that children can attend, but above all, it is valuable that from childhood they begin to socialize, that is why they should not always be left at home.


What do the experts think?

It must be made clear that parents have the last word on the limits and freedoms they place on their children ; There is no parenting manual, so each family proposes its own rules of action and coexistence. There are also ethical positions, which lead people to think one way or another.

In this sense, what for some is good and normal, for others it is a mistake. Each parent is free to decide how to raise their children, however, it is mandatory that their rights and legal regulations are respected regarding actions that affect children.

Having said this, specialists consider that all social interactions that lead to the child’s integration into society are important. It is as valuable to share with other children as it is with adults; Because this promotes a better relationship with their parents and teachers, it is also useful for them to feel confident in themselves. To have a better clarity of what to do and what not to do, we offer you the following recommendations.

When is it wise for children to participate in social activities?

It is wise when there will be more children his age and there are activities scheduled for them. These should go to children’s parties and most events for this purpose. In addition to this, we are going to tell you about other occasions in which the participation of children is prudent:

  • Family reunions or those in which he can feel as a family, as long as the schedule, the menu and the characteristics of the place allow it. For example Christmas celebrations, traditional parties or family dinners
  • Any activity where we know that they will be safe, there is an adequate space to rest, eat and use the services. Museum visits, group meetings, or simple sporting events can be mentioned.
  • Events where fun is guaranteed and there is no possibility that you will be emotionally affected or in any way altered by a complex situation.
  • The specialists explain that children can participate in funerals or ceremonies related to the memory of a loved one, but their attendance should be regulated in cases where it is someone not very close or that the child does not know.
  • Remember that children should have their place, that is, even if they attend activities that are not suitable for them, it is not necessary for them to participate in all of them.
  • It is recommended to consider that sometimes children can make too much noise, they can start crying, running or taking any action that could interrupt the activity or disturb those present.
  • It is important to evaluate in advance if the conditions of the activity are suitable for children ; It is also recommended that we investigate if someone else will also take children.
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