Types Of Dogs Most Suitable For Children

If our son likes animals and we think about bringing home a pet, there are many aspects to take into account. In addition to thinking about the type of animal we want to adopt, it is essential that we educate the little ones about the commitment that this implies.
Types of dogs most suitable for children

Dog breeding has a very positive impact on the physical, cognitive, emotional and social development of children. Although all dogs can give and receive love, there are some types of dogs that are more suitable for children because of their patient, sociable and fun nature.

The behavior of a dog will always depend on the education and environment offered by its guardian. There are no better or worse breeds, bad or good by nature. Even the most affectionate dog can become aggressive when he is not educated correctly or experiences a negative context.

Therefore, every dog ​​must be educated and socialized properly before living with children. In addition, infants need to be made aware of the care they should take when playing with their pets.

However, some dogs tend to be naturally more patient and kind, so they adapt more easily to being around little ones. It is also important to consider that children have a lot of energy, so they will enjoy an active and sociable companion.

The most suitable dogs for children

Considering all this, we present below a short list of the seven types of dogs most suitable for children. In this way, you can choose the most suitable type of dog for your family:

Labrador retriever

Those who have already lived with a Labrador know very well that it is like a child in the body of a dog. It is an extremely familiar, affectionate and fun breed , with remarkable intelligence and ease of learning.

Labradors need to exercise daily to positively channel their great energy, prevent behavior problems, and manage a healthy weight. Therefore, they get along better with active families, who enjoy the outdoors and water sports.

Golden retriever: dogs best suited for children

A breed related to the Labrador Retriever, which shares his family devotion and intelligence. An advantage of the golden is that it tends to have a more stable and less hyperactive character than the Labrador. However, you also need to exercise daily to stay physically and mentally healthy.

Before adopting a golden retriever, it is important to consider that they require special attention to the maintenance of their coat. In addition to regular brushing, visits to the dog groomer are very welcome.

There are some types of dogs that are more suitable for children because of their patient, sociable, and fun nature.


In addition to its adorable appearance, the beagle is one of the most suitable dogs for children due to its energetic, playful and affectionate nature. They are also an intelligent and highly sensitive breed, which can learn various tricks and tasks with the help of positive reinforcement.

It is worth remembering that the beagle needs to be well educated and socialized from puppyhood to avoid unwanted behaviors. In addition, daily exercises will be essential to prevent obesity – a frequent problem in this breed – and avoid behavioral problems, mainly destructiveness.

Poodle or poodle: dogs most suitable for children

The poodle or poodle is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. It is not only due to his charming curly coat, but also because of his great intelligence, bravery and versatility. These characteristics make it an ideal dog to live with people of all ages, including children. However, early education and socialization will be essential to avoid the development of possessive and hysterical behaviors, which are very common in these dogs.


The boxer is an excellent family companion, possessing admirable devotion and intelligence. In his dealings with children, this dog is especially careful and guardian, as well as being a faithful companion in all his adventures. Again, we remember that there are no dangerous dogs; the only danger in adopting a dog is not educating it and caring for it properly.

Yorkshire terrier: dogs best suited for children

Although it is the smallest representative of the terrier, the yorkshire maintains the courage and intelligence that they consecrated to this great canine family. These little furry ones live very alert and will always be ready to defend their guardians. They are also super active and affectionate, making them excellent companions for the little ones.

Another great advantage is that it is a hypoallergenic breed, perfect for children and adults with dermal or respiratory allergies. However, the Yorkshire requires regular brushing to avoid the formation of knots and the accumulation of impurities in its beautiful coat.

The most suitable types of dogs for children should be analyzed, since not all animals are integrated into the home.

Mixed breed / no defined breed

Dogs simply love, without asking permission or making distinctions of color, age, appearance, or descent. Therefore, a mongrel dog is capable of offering love, learning and showing the same devotion as a purebred dog.

By adopting a mongrel dog, we can teach this great lesson to our children. In addition, we will give a home to a dog that really needs it and that will be eternally grateful for our affection.

From now on, you can have a better idea of ​​what type of dog is best for your family. In this way, you will not go wrong in the choice. Remember that it is a living being that needs affection and a lot of love. In addition to its basic care and your unconditional love, you must keep in mind that it has to be part of the family, it is not a toy!

My son loves animals!

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