13 Tricks To Personalize Your Children’s Room

13 tricks to personalize your children's room

Decorating a children’s room doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. There are many simple and practical ideas with which you can easily decorate your children’s room with a reduced budget.

The following proposals will serve as inspiration to personalize your children’s room without much time and without having to spend large sums of money.

Tips for decorating your children’s room

1. The  painting. N naturally, painting should be the first step before decorating any space. Choose the colors that you like best for the room and if your child is already of age, reach an agreement with him or her and carry out this process together, painting is very fun and you can do it as a family.

two.  Art wall.  Surely throughout his life, your child has already made a good number of works of art at school, put a nice frame on them and dedicate a wall or a corner to display their wonderful works of art.

3. Choose furniture that will last. OR Not one of the great waste of money, is to buy a piece of furniture that is only going to be used for a certain age range. Try to buy furniture that can serve your child as he grows up. Choose carefully the bed, cabinets and tables that you will put in his room.

Four.  Buy leftover carpet. AND In many tapestry warehouses, they sell the leftover scraps in the size you want and at very low costs. Buy pieces of rugs of different colors, give them a good finish and put them throughout the room where your children sleep.

5.  Don’t discount garage sales: If you are open to different options, you will surely find very good items, in good condition and at a cost that you can afford. It doesn’t hurt that you visit a couple of garage sales where you may find that piece of furniture you were looking for.

little artists

6.  Use vinyls or stickers. L The vinyls and designs made of removable adhesive material are ideal for decorating the walls and giving them an incredible color. Buy a couple of templates made of washable materials that you can fix and distribute in the space you have.

7.  Wait for the discount days. P For bedding, it is convenient that you wait for the seasons in which there are discounts. You will find offers on top quality items that will combine perfectly with the decoration that you have made little by little in your home.

8. Chalkboard. OR An idea that is particularly pleasant for many parents is to place a chalk board on one of the walls to be able to decorate the room in the way you want. A point in favor of the boards is that you can change the drawings whenever you want, you can leave them messages and write down their earrings. If you live in a rental apartment, it is a good idea so that you do not have to modify the paint of the place.

9.  Enlarged photographs. Q Why not have a giant-sized family photograph on one of your children’s walls? You can also put pictures of their favorite superheroes or any drawing that catches their attention. You can print the drawing you want in the size and material that you like the most without having to pay a fortune.

10.  Customize your furniture. S If you have a little more time and you also enjoy manual activities, you can involve your children and give their furniture a personal touch. Paint unique patterns on your drawers, on tables, in cabinets, and anywhere you want to make it look unmatched.

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eleven.  Use proper furniture. P so that everything remains organized, it is important that the furniture is at the height of the children. They will have more visibility and it will be easier to organize all your toys and belongings.

12.  Put enough organizers. The  The key to order is that there is a space for each thing. In addition to looking good, the organizing shelves will help you to be much more organized, assign spaces to everything that is in your room.

13.  Illumination. C uida that your children have a sufficiently illuminated space either naturally or artificially. Also remember that if children do their homework in the room, it is not convenient to have many distracting elements that can affect their performance.

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