Huggies Creates A Mini Diaper For Extreme Premature Babies

Here’s what the Huggies mini diaper looks like and why it has been an extremely valuable and necessary invention.
Huggies creates a mini diaper for extreme premature babies

The Huggies brand has turned out to be the pioneer in the design and launch of a product specially designed for extreme premature infants: the mini diaper. 

Millions of anticipated births are known annually. It is believed that at least one in ten. In some cases, babies are born prematurely, but with a fairly acceptable size. However, there are babies whose size is surprisingly small.

For extreme premature babies, there were no products to meet their basic needs, mainly due to size.

Therefore, Huggies decided to analyze how to fill this lack and venture to design a mini diaper for these cases. The objective was to favor the day-to-day life of these babies by making their care easier.

A baby born before 37 weeks will be too young to use any of the larger baby products. Therefore, it is clear that they need products that fit their measurements.

In general, clothing for premature babies is very difficult to find and many are not of the necessary quality or are too expensive.

Many nurses, mothers and caregivers are encouraged to improvise diapers for their premature babies, but this should not promote, in the market, the forgetfulness of this reality. There must be options for everyone.

Anticipated births are not as rare as they were a few decades ago. And given that today we have the technology and the necessary knowledge, it is possible to design objects that facilitate the care of all babies.

What is the reach of the Huggies mini diaper?

The mini diaper for premature babies.

Not all premature babies have a need for a mini diaper. It is believed that only those who are extremely premature will have a more difficult time adjusting.

These mini diapers are designed to cover the group of babies weighing less than 900 grams. That is, those born below week 28.

This product was created in collaboration with the nursing and neonatology staff in intensive care units.

As we know, it is these people who best know the needs of these little heroes. It was released within the Little Snugglers Nano Preemie line.

The differences between a newborn diaper from a full-term pregnancy and a premature one are abysmal. The mini diaper fits easily in one of our hands. In addition, its surface is fully adapted to the delicacy of the premature baby’s skin.

The fastener adhesives are very soft, as is the narrow absorbent pad. The idea is that the product is flexible and comfortable, since the baby must adapt to the usual fetal position. In the area of ​​the legs, the openings should be tiny, but with the ability to avoid leaks and friction.

Extreme premature diapers complete the line

Diapers for premature babies.

Although the Huggies mini diaper is the first on the market, the brand had already taken a big step. Until now, other diapers designed for newborn and premature babies were known. However, one had not been created for extreme premature babies.

These babies born with less than 900 grams are known to make up just 1.4%. Although they are actually rare, they have a need to fill. Therefore, the brand focused on expanding its diaper line.

The brand already has a range of products to meet the needs of babies in all their stages. As might be expected, the baby born with these measures advances slowly.

So, in a few weeks it will have increased in size, but it will not do it overnight. These babies will grow a lot, but will still be smaller than a normal newborn.

These little ones come into the world prematurely, but here we must be prepared to receive them. More and more babies outgrow this condition even at challenging levels.

The smallest premature babies have been born in 20 weeks and measure about 25 centimeters. However, these are able to overcome all obstacles and survive as normal children.

The creation of the mini diaper is very necessary, because the little ones who will use them are struggling to live. They are someone’s baby and therefore deserve the care of any newborn in the world.

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