What To Do To Make My Period Hurt Less?

The discomforts caused by menstruation can be relieved in very easy and varied ways. Take note of what we tell you below.
What to do to make my period hurt less?

When the period occurs, many times it is inevitable to feel various discomforts. In general, when the intensity of pain is mild to moderate, it can be easily relieved by taking a few very simple actions.

It is normal that the discomfort prevents making certain efforts with the same energy as usual, however, this does not mean that you should abandon all activity to feel better. On the contrary, it is convenient to perform certain activities. Of course, the pattern of these will be a slow and balanced rhythm.

Why is pain experienced?

The rule causes pain in the belly, back, breasts and head. In some cases, this pain can spread to other areas of the body, such as the legs. In short, the general discomfort caused by such pain is uncomfortable.

The pain of the rule occurs in the area of ​​the lower abdomen.

Now, why does the period hurt? The period hurts because, every month, the tissues of the ovules that are not fertilized are eliminated and, in this process, a series of hormonal changes originate that can include uterine contractions. 

One of the hormones that are secreted with greater abundance in this period is prostaglandin, which, although it helps to facilitate the expulsion of said tissue, also causes the woman to feel pain since it promotes contractions of the uterus.

According to the duration and intensity, the pain of the rule can be classified as: primary or secondary dysmenorrhea. This must be determined by a gynecologist after a physical evaluation.

Tips to make your period hurt less

As long as the pain does not prevent activities, certain actions can be taken to make the period hurt less. In general, these are small steps that help bring relief if practiced regularly and patiently. 

1. A walk and low-impact exercises

Although the rule invites you to spend more time in inactivity, when there is pain, it is best to take a light walk, at least, for 20-30 minutes. This helps to decrease the intensity of uterine contractions and to obtain relief in the medium and long term.

In the same way, you can combine the walk or walk with some low impact exercises (such as some yoga postures or certain Pilates exercises).

A walk helps your period hurt less.

2. Put your legs up

Although it may not seem like it, elevating your legs for 10-minute periods can contribute significantly to menstrual pain relief. This is because, by raising the legs, the blood flow improves, thus, the pain subsides. It is convenient to take a while to raise your legs for a while, rest and raise them again.

3. Warm pads

The heat helps the contracted muscles to give way, little by little, and the blood circulation to flow, so it is convenient to apply warm pads or compresses. In other words, heat has a vasodilatory effect.

It should be noted that  combining the application of heat with light relaxing massages in the wind area will also greatly relieve menstrual pain.

The massages should be done with slow, circular movements, with little pressure on the area, and constantly for about 10-15 minutes to achieve true relief. And if instead of hot pads or compresses you opt for a warm shower or bath, the effect will be the same.

4. A hot drink

Another way to take advantage of the heat is to enjoy a hot drink. In general, natural infusions of: chamomile, cinnamon, ginger and mint are recommended.

All these infusions are harmless and provide significant relief since they help to release accumulated fluids. For true relief, it is best to enjoy them calmly, with small sips. 

Good hydration prevents fluid build-up and this helps relieve menstrual pain.

5. Choose your meals well

Just as it is convenient to drink without haste, it is also necessary to take care of the diet. If you eat copious meals, with heavy foods, digestion will become slower and more difficult, which can increase the discomfort of the period.

Therefore, it is best to eat several small, light meals that provide energy and do not promote any feeling of extreme heaviness. Also, although it is normal to have sweet cravings, it is necessary to watch the doses of sugar. This responds to the fact that any excess that is committed will promote menstrual pain.

Eating several light meals helps relieve menstrual pain.

6. Avoid stimulants

Caffeine and theine are substances that increase the levels of catecholamines  (stress hormones), thereby significantly promoting menstrual pain. Therefore, it is best to reduce to a minimum, or at least as much as possible, the consumption of beverages containing these substances.

When to go to the doctor?

If after taking all the measures that are within your reach, the pain does not subside, it is important that you see your doctor for an evaluation. Remember that a diagnosis and treatment scheduled on time will avoid many inconveniences in the long term. 

On the other hand, if the pain in the lower belly area occurs at different times, outside of menstruation, and is accompanied by other symptoms, this may be a signal from the body that something is not right.

Remedies to decrease menstruation pain

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