A Child Needs You To Be Interested In His World To Be Happy

A child needs you to be interested in his world to be happy

A child needs all our attention, love and care to grow up happy, so a little neglect in our interest in their things could bring them some frustration that we do not want. Although their activities do not require much effort in our experience, they are part of their life and the elements that make up their own little world.

It is common for families to take the child’s day to day as if it were not important, we usually put our affairs above the things of the little ones. However, every moment your child is achieving goals, which although simpler than ours, are very important to him.

Children’s activities vary according to age, when they are very young they do almost nothing, that is why sometimes we act outside of what we think they do not understand. When they achieve certain independence such as crawling or walking, more attention is needed in their actions, but the most common is to watch from a distance that they are not taking risks.

We cannot be sure that when we were not interested in their things, they would be frustrated ; but we actually gain a lot if we show interest. It is possible that they are teaching us something that is not entirely important to them, so they will ignore it if we ignore them; But it’s not always like this.

At a certain age, children’s criteria are awakened, which is why they are able to argue about a particular treatment. For example, they are able to perceive that they are ignored or that their actions caused disgust. This is the moment when that habit of treating them as if they did not know anything should change; but it would have been better if it never happened.


How do we show the interest that a child needs?

Failures in care, as we know, are a problem that can become serious. Not being interested in the world of the child and his things implies that we are not focused on strengthening his emotions. Therefore, it is important to show interest so that positive feelings and attachment to the family emerge.

How do we show affection? Showing interest in their small projects, wanting to talk to them, stating that we support their ideas and that they convince us to share them. Let’s think about how we would do it with that person we like, how do we show our partner that we are interested?

That phase of conquest in which everything about the other person interests us is not entirely different from the function of showing love to children. Although the plan is not the same and much less the feeling, perhaps a little practice is lacking.

Let’s spend some valuable time getting to know him better, make an effort to understand him, and try to follow his intentions, just as we would if we wanted to win someone over. No one doubts that you love him and that you want to see him happy, but maybe he might hesitate if somehow his things don’t seem to matter to you.


Where is the fault?

Thinking that our son is obliged to love us no matter how we treat him, is the main reason why sometimes we do not worry too much about showing our interest. In the same way, it is likely that we are assuming that the child knows that we love him even if we do not show it.

However, although in fact it is possible that the ties between parents and children are so close that this lack is minimized; no doubt happiness may escape. In this sense, being aware of the things that the child does, their tasks and activities, indicates that we are expressing the support that we profess and is an accentuated way of showing love.

Another way to make mistakes as parents is to face the manifestations of the personality of the children. Children do not have to be the living copy of their parents, but sometimes we want them to be. For this reason, when their tastes are different, perhaps our understanding decreases and so does our tolerance.

That we do not agree with the choice you made or that a certain action you have taken seems unnecessary, the important thing is to keep the same affection and interest in what you do. We know that certain behaviors are negative and that they must be corrected, but for the child to be happy they must feel accepted, understood and that their world is as important as that of any adult.

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