Is It Convenient To Wake Him Up To Change The Diaper?

Is it convenient to wake him up to change the diaper?

Changing the baby’s diaper is always very important that it be done on time ; this to avoid possible irritations that could become complicated. As for how often it is done, it will depend on several factors such as the age of the baby and the diet he has, among others.

According to age, there are different but strong reasons to wake him up during the day or at night; In addition, it is very likely that the child himself indicates that the diaper needs to be changed. However, when they are very young, they may not yet have learned how to express that they have this need, and their sleep patterns are still not normal.

Remember that by staying with a dirty diaper for a long time, a baby can have burns or redness of the skin, often accompanied by dermatitis or can get infections. Regardless of the quality of the diaper and the comfort it suggests for the skin, it is essential to be attentive because every baby is different.


When it is a newborn

If it is a newborn baby, a diaper change is usually necessary more often. The newborn’s stomach is very small and its digestive system is developing; therefore, it processes food slowly, but quickly discards what it has assimilated from its diet, which is usually breast milk.

On the other hand, their average feeding schedule is two to three hours apart; for which we would be talking about several times during the day and about three times during the night. Consequently, it is necessary to be vigilant after feeding them, because it is common for them to evacuate immediately, so it is advisable to stimulate it to avoid gas or intestinal obstructions.

In the same way, it is possible that the cold you feel makes you urinate more frequently, remember that it comes from an aqueous medium with a different temperature. This also causes his need to urinate at the time of diaper change, so do n’t be surprised if he urinates while you’re changing.

If it is an older child

As the baby grows, the diaper change is not so repetitive, but his urine is more abundant and when he feels wet this makes him uncomfortable, he may begin to cry because it is his means of expression and a defense mechanism. For this reason, it is convenient that we recognize when the baby’s crying tells us that it is necessary to change the diaper, regardless of the time.

In general, children begin to evacuate easily when they begin to crawl, because by giving mobility to the legs, intestinal transit is favored. This implies that it is more frequent during the day; however, there are children who require at least one diaper change during the night, which also depends a lot on the feeding they receive.


Is it convenient to change the diaper while sleeping at night?

Attention regarding diaper changes should be the same during the day as at night, the same at any age of the child. However, each stage has its own conditions and benefits, for example.

  • Newborn babies require constant diaper changes, but their sleep is quite erratic. Waking him up to change the diaper during the day will determine his sleep habits, it will create patterns where we may benefit since if we do it correctly, through stimulation we will be programming his nighttime sleep.
  • In growing children, mainly in terms of hygiene, we will be helping them to form their own cleaning habits and to begin to be aware of when they need to replace the diaper.
    In the future, this would become a tool to train him and help him start toilet training.

Baby’s sleep and diaper change.

Many babies have long dreams during the day, while at night they usually do not sleep or wake up several times, although each child is different. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the baby has not yet established its sleep rhythm, since it is an inverted schedule to that which is usual in the mother’s womb.

To avoid a drastic time change, it is advisable to gradually adapt the baby to the sounds of the day, sunlight and daytime habits. If he needs a diaper change during his sleep for the day, we can take advantage of waking him up with music and also in other cases such as giving him a warm bath or to feed him.

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