4 Crocodile Books

If your child likes animals, these crocodile books will fascinate and delight them in equal measure while having fun reading.
4 crocodile books

The bigger and more showy an animal is, the more children will like it. For this reason, crocodiles are one of his favorite animals because of their elongated shape, the texture of their skin and the great ferocity when opening their mouths.

In addition to feeling passion for animals, when a child chooses a book, in the vast majority of cases, they will opt for one that includes them as protagonists.

Authors of children’s literature are aware of the great potential that animals have in children’s stories and, therefore, exploitation has been and continues to be very high. Here is a selection with the best crocodile books so that the little ones can continue discovering things about this striking animal.

Crocodile books

1. How to teach your crocodile to brush its teeth

One of the most complete crocodile books of the selection that we bring you today is this. First of all, it is a recommended title for very young children between 0 and 3 years old, and this is also demonstrated by the format in which it is published.

Before us we have a small-sized cardboard book for children to explore and discover autonomously while turning its pages.

Crocodile protagonist of children's books.

Second, the protagonist of the story is undoubtedly a crocodile. In this way,  the smallest of the house will begin to discover the different animals and, in this case, the large number of teeth that crocodiles have.

Third, it is an ideal story to show children how to brush their teeth and the importance of doing it through Coco, the friendly crocodile protagonist.

The illustrations are the key part of the story so that, in this way, children are able to understand it without using the text. Thus, it is an ideal book to read as a family and together discover the illustrations and then read the text.

2. Crocodile

The Kalandraka publishing house, one of the best publishers in children’s literature, published the collection From the cradle to the moon, which targets children from 0 to 3 years old. These books are made up of poetic pictograms. A full-color illustration appears on each page followed by a rhyming phrase or series of words.

In this way, the little ones will be introduced to the world of poetry practically without realizing it through the rhythm of this reading that they will listen to.

This series of books aims for children to ‘educate’ the eye and sweeten the ear, in the words of the author, Antonio Rubio. Specifically, in the title of Crocodile, the smallest of the house will be able to learn the different colors that will emerge through the pages, always linked to an illustration.

3. The crocodile who didn’t like water

A very fun and original illustrated album that will delight young and old alike. The story focuses, as can be seen from the title, on a crocodile that does not like water.

This makes the crocodile feel alone and different, as all his brothers spend the day splashing in the water. Despite making different efforts to end up liking the water, there was no way to achieve it.

Suddenly, one day, the little crocodile’s nose itched a lot and he ended up sneezing, but not just any sneeze, but in the sneeze fire came out of his nose.

What has happened? Is our little protagonist actually a dragon? Or does it have magical powers? You can discover all this in this fantastic and fun story suitable for children from three years old.

Crocodiles taking a dip.

Despite being a very simple book, the background of the story shows a very interesting theme such as feeling different from others  and wanting to be the same despite everything.

4. Cirilo the crocodile , one of the crocodile books that will make us reflect

Through the animals of the jungle, and more specifically with a crocodile as the protagonist, children will be able to learn about a case of bullying for being different.

Cirilo is a crocodile who was born differently, since his skin is yellow and very different from other crocodiles. This characteristic that makes it so special is the cause of mockery and laughter on the part of the animals that live in the jungle.

Cirilo feels enormously sad and only wants to hide under his mother’s lap, also asking her to paint him green to be like the others.

The background that this story leaves us will make both adults and children reflect on the world in which we live where cultural diversity is one of the most discussed topics today.

We must educate children from an early age and make them understand that there are people who are different from them and must be respected equally. In addition, we must show them that being different is not bad, but on the contrary, it makes us special.

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