I Am The One Who Learn Every Day From My Son

I am the one who learn every day from my son

Sometimes, many parents in the world feel that they are the teachers of their children, and although certainly mom and dad teach their children many practical things like eating, going to the bathroom, walking …  they also come to teach adults a lot that They surround him, above all they come to show his parents the essentials of life : the importance of loving without measure, of being generous, of seeing the world with eyes of astonishment. That is why, at this point, I realize that it is I who learn every day from my son.

Parents who strive to deeply respect their children succeed in raising their conscience by leaps and bounds. Respecting your child implies understanding their autonomy, their learning processes, their criteria, their needs and to achieve that it is necessary to make an effort in education to be better people to be able to educate our children.

All this process, not only leads you to respect your child but you learn to respect people and have that value as an unbreakable principle to deal with others, only this is how you can teach the value of respect to a child .

Raising my son has meant a revolution in my life, because every day I strive to be a better version of myself. I have to do it if I want to lead by example, because although it is true that I learn beautiful things from my son every day, which fill me with compassion and tenderness, it is no less true that he is learning from me every moment. And knowing that motivates me to change, to be a better person and that is another of the lessons that I learn every day thanks to your presence.

Being a parent means teaching and learning at the same time

Being parents today also involves an intellectual effort, since it is from the light of knowledge that we can put into practice a more conscious pedagogy that motivates children to learn to solve problems on their own, to act from freedom and respect, This can be achieved by applying an education that does not include rewards or punishments but encourages them to form their own criteria.

And to apply that type of education I have to work on my personality so as not to fall for easy solutions; And achieving this implies implementing a new pedagogy, one that respects the concepts with which I was raised, but that becomes more and more human.

Putting those concepts of humanity into practice is how I learn every day; I do it when I respect the essence of my son, when I promote his autonomy, when I encourage him to participate in the decisions that affect him and when I plant in him values ​​such as cooperation instead of competitiveness.

I learn from my son every day because he has re-taught me the value of family, love, respect, communication and spending time with loved ones. Being a mother has given me clarity about how important it is to be grateful with life, how fundamental it is to take care of each other.

I learn with love

Having a child makes you learn to see that one of the best way to live your life is by making every day full of details and special moments. Children are usually very detailed and spontaneous, let’s learn from them, who are the great teachers of adults.

Together with my baby I have learned that the most important thing in life is to be happy and that happiness can be achieved through simple things, such as learning to share healthily as a family, also trying to help others and doing my homework the best that I can; All of these things help fill the soul and that feeling of fulfillment is what makes us happy every day.

Being able to be by my son’s side and watching him grow has transformed me as a person, I feel that I am full of love, that I see life in a different way and that I have all the strength in the world; My son is the one who has made that change in me, he is my teacher, from whom I learn every day.

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