Tips To Hide Children’s Scars

If it is difficult for an adult to deal with scars, for a child it can also be very difficult! Learn here the best way to cope with them and how to improve them a bit.
Tips to hide children's scars

In most homes in Venezuela there is an aloe plant whose scientific name is Aloe Vera, this plant has many healing properties and its crystals are used to hide the scars of children and adults.

A special plant

Aloe Vera plants require very little care and are for many a very valuable resource at home, since they can take advantage of its properties and nutrients for uses as diverse as improving a cough through a syrup prepared at home or substantially improving the appearance of the skin.

To use it you just have to cut a stalk of the bush and peel the skin until you find a crystal. The stalk is like the leaves of the plant, which you must let stand for a few minutes to release a yellowish liquid and then proceed to peel it and place the aloe vera crystal on the wound or scar.

There are also creams whose active ingredient is Aloe Vera, you can use them with confidence. The secret of aloe vera and home remedies is consistency.

Another good tip – which is useful not only to take care of the skin of a scar but in general – is to avoid exposing yourself to the sun a lot.


Home remedies to improve scars

There are those who use rosehip oil to remove marks on their skin. There are also those who use cucumber juice on the area or simply massage their face with cucumber slices. This will help remove marks and refresh the skin.

You can well use a cotton ball to massage the affected area with egg white. The egg white has powerful healing qualities that can help heal scars.

Honey is an effective ingredient to smooth and improve the appearance of the skin. Apply honey to the areas affected by scars and massage your face gently. Let it act for 20 minutes and wash the area where you applied it.

Rubbing potato wedges gently on the mark and letting it sit for 10 minutes will lighten the marks and spots. You must wash the affected area.

Another tip is to mix a tablespoon of lemon juice, honey, almond oil, and milk in a bowl. Then you must apply it on the scar that you aspire to lighten, and leave for 15 minutes rinsing the skin afterwards.


Types of scars

The skin is the outer covering that covers the entire body. It is a complex anatomical and functional organ, linked to the physiology and pathology of the entire organism. It is subject to multiple attacks, which can be of different causes and nature.

Dermatologists consider scars to be the result of healing from a wound or injury. And as such, there are people with a greater or lesser tendency to develop brands.

However, the younger you are, the easier it is to heal and the less the scar will be noticeable.

According to the data extracted from a page specialized in dermatology, there are different types of scars depending on whether the alteration is of the surface, the color or affects the function.

  •  Scars due to surface alteration. They usually develop weeks after injury. It is characterized by its thickness and elevation and usually has a reddish appearance.
  •  Scars due to color alteration. They are those that leave the skin with a lighter tone (hypopigmented) or darker (hyperpigmented) than it had.

In a specialized dermatology page, specialists assure that a wound takes a year or more to fully heal.

They also state that very small and superficial injuries or wounds repair themselves spontaneously without leaving any trace, whereas very large injuries in which there is tissue loss leave huge scars.

The more severe the wound, the more complicated the healing.  It is important to remember that scars can never be completely removed, but many can get quite better.

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