Stories That Will Help Your Child Overcome The Death Of A Loved One

Stories that will help your child overcome the death of a loved one

Death is as real as life, but assuming it is a real challenge. For adults, any loss is traumatic. Children are not exempt from suffering the departure of the people they love, experiencing this trauma mixed with some misunderstanding. How to overcome death?

Without a doubt, it is imperative to help the little ones overcome death. The idea is that children can become familiar to speak without fear and with total naturalness about what necessarily happens in everyday life.

Therefore, a good option is to appeal to a series of stories with which you can help your child overcome the death of a loved one. In this way, below you will find eight children’s literary productions that can be very useful for parents, grandparents, uncles and teachers to install the theme.

Books to help your child cope with the death of a loved one

  • “Julia has a star”, by Eduard José. It is a story in which the problems of diseases and their painful outcomes are developed in a masterful way. Well, in this moving story, Julia’s mother suffers a terrible terminal illness, so before she dies she decides to prepare the girl by explaining that she will go to work in a star.
  • “I’ll always love you, little one”, by Debi Glori. Undoubtedly, it is a very endearing story, of course, aimed at the little ones to talk about the purest and most unconditional love that can exist between two people: in the bond between mother and child. But in this literary work, the author not only raises issues such as the durability and consistency of love, but also tackles the problem of death in an interesting way.
    • “Vacío”, by Anna Llenas. This children’s story is optimal to help you overcome the death of a loved one. Losing something and facing the emptiness it has left, as well as dealing with the sadness and desolation that are experienced in these situations, is the central idea of ​​this story. The narration explores different types of losses and works on resilience, that is, the capacity that allows you to overcome adversity. The author also offers endless resources to work on the subject from the book.
    • “L’EDU, el petit llop”, by Gregoire Solorareff. In this text, Edu’s uncle, a cute little wolf, dies in an accident while hunting. In full mishap, the protagonist will run into a wise bunny who will help him bury him. The richness of this story consists of making a natural reference to death, also pondering the vital importance of friendship to cope with the most difficult moments.
      One of the books to overcome the death of a loved one
      • “Body of cloud”, by Ana Eulate. Without a doubt, a story as tender as it is moving, as well as useful to help your child overcome the death of a loved one. Here, Kor Derito is a sheep that has the body of a cloud and that falls ill. Despite her mother’s care, she finally dies, becoming the most beautiful cloud of all responsible for ensuring that children have sweet dreams.
      • “Where is the grandfather?”, By Mar Cortina. This author is the largest specialist in children’s grief in the country. In this story, we will learn that death is part of life and that those people you love leave us along the way. Grandparents are a very important part in the existence of the little ones and an absence that they will probably have to face. In this reading guide, prepared by Mar Cortina and Agustín de la Herran, you can find activities to work on in the first cycle of primary school.
        • “The tree of memories”, by Britta Teckentrup. Zorro has lived for many years. It has been happy, but the time has come to say goodbye. We especially like this story because it is optimistic and encourages us to celebrate the good things in life and happy memories with our loved ones who are no longer with us.
        • “Paraíso”, by Bruno Gibert. And we put a final point with a very unique story. It is a children’s book that talks about death, but does so through very concrete signs and poetic words. It is a great proposition to help children introduce and talk about their own experiences.

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