Self-regulation Of Learning According To Richard Fenker

There are multiple strategies that allow self-regulation of learning, such as the one proposed by the psychologist and professor Richard Fenker.
Self-regulation of learning according to Richard Fenker

Self-regulation of learning is the ability that each person has to manage, adjust and direct their own actions, thoughts, emotions and motivations in order to achieve certain objectives related to the academic field.

But, getting to self-regulate one’s own learning is a complex process that involves putting into practice different strategies designed to guide behavior when studying. One of these strategies is the one proposed by the American psychologist Richard Fenker, which we are going to talk about in the following lines.

Self-regulation of learning according to Richard Fenker

The psychologist and professor Richard Fenker, a renowned specialist in learning strategies courses, in his book How to study and learn more and better in less time , describes different innovative methods to improve performance when studying.

Adolescent girl in her room studying applying one of the learning self-regulation techniques.

Among these methods is a program for self-regulation of learning. This program consists of carrying out three simple steps:

  1. Set a clear objective.
  2. Control the learning processes necessary to achieve the previously established objective.
  3. Decide what to do in case there is a distraction.

So, below, we explain in more detail what each of these steps consists of.

1. Set a clear goal

At the beginning of the study session, it is convenient to establish a clear, concrete and short-term objective, such as doing a series of math problems, reading a topic from the book, learning the vocabulary of a language, writing a summary, developing an outline, among others.

Once this objective has been reached, if necessary, another new objective would be specified, but always specifying the task to be carried out.

2. Control the learning processes necessary to achieve the established objective

In this sense, you have to try to recognize and identify the signals that your own body transmits, and pay attention to the mood, external distractions, motivation, etc. And, especially, you have to be careful with the syndrome of the crystalline eyes, which consists of reading automatically without understanding the text and not realizing it until a while has passed.

Richard Fenker calls this avoidance of the study due to some circumstance “Gotcha point”, so that, when this point is reached, this psychologist recommends saying out loud the following loud and striking phrase :

Thus, it is possible to return to the task, and be closer to meeting the objective that has been previously established.

Girl studying on the couch applying self-regulation learning techniques.

3. Decide what to do in case of distraction for self-regulation of learning

Many times, to regain concentration, it is usually not enough to pronounce the phrase that we have just quoted, so other strategies must be used that allow being more active in the study, such as the following:

  • Change study technique to increase activity in the acquisition of content. To do this, you can
    • Underline.
    • Summarize.
    • Make diagrams or mind maps.
    • Write in the margins.
    • Make diagrams of relationships between the different parts of the text.
    • Make comparative charts.
    • Repeat aloud or quietly what needs to be learned.
    • Draw pictures on the topic.
    • Form associations with images.
    • Build mnemonic rules.
    • Imagine that the lesson is explained to someone else.
  • Select another more appropriate task for that moment. In this sense, it is possible to change the subject to one that better suits the mental state that is presented at the time.
  • Take a short break, of maximum 10 minutes, to continue later with the proposed task. Sometimes, it is necessary to take a break, relax and disconnect from the study, to continue with more energy.

As you have seen, this learning self-regulation technique proposed by Richard Fenker can be very useful to your children while they are studying. What are you waiting to teach it to them to make them much more productive in their study moments?

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