Don’t Wait For Your Children To Grow Up To Take Care Of Yourself

Don't wait for your children to grow up to take care of yourself

It is common for a mother to sacrifice her concerns and personal care as a way of adaptation or coping in relation to raising her children.

Thus, either because of cultural tradition or because we do not know other alternatives, we end up submitting our concerns and our self-fulfillment during the time in which our children are more physically dependent on us.

However, we couldn’t be more wrong. Taking care of ourselves and dedicating times of disconnection is one of the best examples we can give our sons and daughters.

If we are the ones who put everything in its place, we will be educating by example and not just with words. In this way, our children will integrate love and personal care as something normal that does not generate conflicts or additional costs.

In the same way, by behaving in this way we will avoid emotionally depending on our children and creating dependencies in them. In this way they will learn to give and receive in the same measure, but not only in relation to others, but also in relation to themselves.


Taking care of yourself you take care of your children

If you wait until your children are older to take care of yourself, you will be depriving them of a great learning: that of loving yourself. Our children have to understand the value and importance of self-love as something indispensable in a person.

In other words, we must heal that part of us that tells us every day that we are fewer women if we do not sacrifice for our family. Thus, a mother is healed as a woman when she begins to stop paying attention to the role of suffering that society imposes on her.

Being a woman is not synonymous with enduring, exceeding our emotional limits or throwing all burdens on our backs. For this reason, a mother healed as a woman recognizes her value in the world as an individual and in need.

Ultimately, the mother who takes care of herself by taking care of and safeguarding her time and the cultivation of her interior and exterior will raise children with a better disposition to take care of themselves, work on their aspirations and achieve a balance.

Mother and daughter taking care of each other

Mom, take care of you, it benefits me

As we have said, it is important that mothers take care of themselves every day and do not neglect their individuality. This is often forgotten or relegated too often but it is essential to guarantee the best education for our children. Let’s see some tips or keys to take care of ourselves every day :

Adapt your times every day

Make time each day to breathe, to find out how you feel, to heal your wounds, to calm yourself, etc. Spending a few minutes in your bed, in your living room or on your terrace thinking about you and how the events of the day have made you feel will help you to compose yourself and manage your emotions in the appropriate way.

This reverts to a direct benefit for your children, since not only will you be much more consistent when educating them but they will see in you a way to exemplify the main premise of self-care: take time to understand each other.

Choose weekly and monthly moments to love yourself

In the same way, choose one or more times a week to do sports, read, go out with your friends or whatever you like the most. That is, organize your time so that you allow yourself to do everything for which you usually do not find time or that you tend to relegate more frequently.

In other words, work to have a positive time out that allows you to relax and cultivate. This will be a special time for you, just to have fun and get to know you. Granting ourselves our own freedom will make us feel full, alive and joyful.

Hands of a mother picking up a baby's foot

Strengthen your self esteem

We often ride our self-esteem on a paper boat and let it drift through the sea of ​​our life. Obviously, our ship gets wet and sinks, wrecking our love for ourselves.

  • Get the emotional garbage out of your life. Everything that you have been told or done unconstructive is insignificant. You are interested in building, not destroying.
  • The same applies to negative thoughts you have about yourself and your surroundings. You can write them and break them, it is a good method to free us.
  • Write a list of all the positive things you have in your life and review it whenever you need to.
  • Make a list of what you like to do and everything you want to explore and put it into practice.

Remember that the best way to ensure the education and development of our children is always teaching them by example. Let’s not forget that everything that is good for us will be good for our children in both the short and long term.

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