8 Grandma’s Remedies That Work For Kids

Some of the traditional remedies for the treatment of ailments have been evidenced by science, thus corroborating their effectiveness at certain times.
8 Grandma Remedies That Work For Kids

Many of the grandmother’s remedies that we know of are very old practices from previous generations that were not based on scientific facts. The remedies were based on popular beliefs that did not always work.

However, many of these remedies have been scientifically proven and you can use them with your children in times of emergency. Here are some of them:

Grandma’s Best Remedies

We present you the most effective home remedies.

The problem: abdominal cramps or pain

The natural remedy: Chamomile

How does it work?

Chamomile relaxes intestinal spasms and relaxes the body. The chemicals present in chamomile have the same effect on the brain as a mild sedative but have no side effects. Prepare an infusion with chamomile for five minutes and let it cool to room temperature.

One of the great advantages of this remedy is that very few babies are sensitive or allergic to this plant and there are usually no outbreaks or poisonings that affect the health of your baby.

The problem: high blood glucose levels

The natural remedy: Cinnamon


How does it work?

Cinnamon has an active component that acts directly on cells that control glucose levels, according to a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics . Cinnamon can decrease the amount of sugar when added to foods and beverages. An appropriate way to use it is to reduce the amount of sugar added to daily preparations and replace the excess with a little cinnamon.

This remedy can be effective for children and adults suffering from diabetes. It is a good complement to healthy nutritional habits and sufficient physical activity.

The problem: reflux

The remedy: chewing gum

How does it work?

The chewing movement stimulates the flow of saliva, which neutralizes stomach acids and makes children swallow more frequently, this helps food move properly through the intestinal tract, reducing the chances of reflux.

Sugar-free gum helps lower stomach acid levels and is safe for children over 4 years of age .

The problem: sunburns

The natural remedy: Aloe vera

How does it work?

Aloe vera has proven to be one of the grandmother’s remedies that you can use in many situations, one of them is when relieving a sunburn. The compounds present in aloe refresh the skin and help it heal naturally. Thanks to the use of this plant, it improves the flow of oxygenated blood to the vessels of the skin.

This plant can also be used as a moisturizer for the skin and to accelerate the healing of any type of wounds. One of the great advantages of aloe vera is that it does not bring side effects or produce allergic reactions.

The problem: Upset stomach

The natural remedy: Ginger

How does it work?

Ginger has anti-spasmodic properties that decrease muscle contractions in the stomach that cause symptoms such as nausea. Ginger is an excellent remedy for an upset stomach and mild digestive system problems.

Give your little one an infusion of ginger sweetened with honey (you can serve it hot or cold) and 30 minutes later he will feel much better. You can use the roots in their natural form or get powdered ginger.


The problem: nasal allergies

The natural remedy: Apples

How does it work?

The components found in this fruit inhibit the release of histamines, allergic agents that increase mucus production, causing sneezing and watery eyes. A good way to combat nasal allergies before they appear is to include apples and pears in children’s diets.

Other convenient foods for this purpose are blueberries, raspberries, and onions. Their high concentration of antioxidants make them key elements in the nutrition of your little ones and in the prevention of conditions of this type.

The problem: diarrhea

The natural remedy: Probiotics

How does it work?

Probiotics are healthy bacteria that are present in yogurt, soy-based foods, and some supplements. When the body has bacteria that cause diarrhea, probiotics fight them and reduce their concentration in the digestive system by balancing the presence of healthy bacteria. The infection becomes milder thanks to the action of probiotics.

Grandma’s remedies are sometimes effective

Although there are many myths about it, it should be noted that some of the traditional remedies are effective in treating ailments and diseases. However, it is important to always receive professional advice.

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