Selection Of Short Poems For Children

If you are a lover of letters and want to teach your little one some short poems for children, check the options that we will present below. We include the best of Lope de Vega, García Lorca, Mistral, Martí, Del Valle and Walsh. Unmissable!
Selection of short poems for children

The short poems for children arise from the nursery rhymes or popular ballads that were chanted to them to lull them to sleep or to teach them moral precepts. They constitute one of the most beautiful literary creations. In addition, they are often remembered and appreciated by children even into adulthood.

Enumerating the many advantages of narrating poems to our little ones and introducing them early in the world of letters can take a whole article. For this reason, without further ado, we will present our selection of short poems for children, developed by figures such as García Lorca, Lope de Vega, Mistral, Gloria Fuentes, Del Valle, José Martí and Walsh.

Selection of short poems for children

“La Tarara”, by Federico García Lorca

The tarara yes, the tarara no; the tarara girl that I have seen. Tarara wears a green dress; full of ruffles and bells. The tarara yes, the tarara no; the tarara girl that I have seen. My Tarara wears a silk tail, on broom and mint. Oh! Crazy tarara, move your waist, for the olives boys.

“Water, where are you going?”, By Federico García Lorca

Water, where are you going? Laughing, I go down the river to the seashore. Sea, where are you going? I go upriver, looking for a source to rest. Poplar and what will you do? I don’t want to tell you anything, I… tremble! What do I want, what do I not want for the river and the sea? Four birds aimlessly in the high poplar are.

“The butterfly in the air”, by Federico García Lorca

Butterfly of the air, how beautiful you are! Butterfly of the air, gold and green. Lantern light … Butterfly of the air, stay there, there, there.

You don’t want to stop, you don’t want to stop… Butterfly of the air, gold and green. Lantern light … Butterfly of the air, stay there, there, there.

Stay here. Butterfly, are you there?

Short poems for children are a great excuse to share great times with them.

“The mice”, by Lope de Vega

The mice gathered to get rid of the cat; and after a long time of disputes and opinions, they said that they would be right in putting a bell on it, that by walking the cat with it, they could better get rid of it. 

A barbican mouse came out, long-tailed, and hociquirromo, and curling its thick back, said to the Roman Senate, after having worshiped for a while: Who of all of them has to be the one who dares to put that bell on the cat?

“You had me”, by Gabriela Mistral

Go to sleep, my child, go to sleep smiling, which is the circle of the stars, who is rocking you. Enjoy the light and you were happy. You had everything good to have me. 

Go to sleep, my child, go to sleep smiling, what is the loving land that is rocking you. You looked at the fiery crimson rose. You shook the world: You shook me.

Go to sleep, my child, go to sleep smiling, it is God in the shadow who is rocking.

“My face”, by Gloria Fuentes

In my round face I have eyes and a nose, and also a little mouth to talk and laugh.

With my eyes I see everything, with my nose I make hash, with my mouth like popcorn. 

“Everything is in its place”, Gloria Fuentes

The wolves in the bush, the chicks in the corral, the fish in the water, the boats in the sea. 

Everything is already in place, everything is in its place. Children at school and ducks to fly. 

“My gentleman (Poemario Ismaelillo )”, by José Martí

In the morning my little boy woke me up with a big kiss. Straddling my chest, toasts I forged with my hair.

He was drunk with joy, with joy I was drunk, my knight spurred on me: What soft spurs his two fresh feet! How my little boy laughed! And I was kissing her little feet. Two feet that fit in just one kiss!

“The elephant”, Adriano del Valle

The elephant was crying because it did not want to sleep. My little elephant sleeps, the moon will hear you.

Father elephant is close by, his mooing can be heard in the Mangrove. Sleep, my little elephant, the moon will hear you

The elephant cried and raised its trunk to the wind, it
seemed that on the moon it was cleaning its nose.

Short poems for children will be etched in your memory forever.

“In the country of Nomeacuerdo”, Maria Elena Walsh

In the country of Nomeacuerdo I take three little steps and I lose myself. 

A little step here, I don’t remember if I gave it. A little step over there, I am so scared!

A little step back, and I do not give any more. Because I already forgot where I put my other foot. 

All the short poems for children that we provide you have humorous, instructive and also full of love information. We know your kids will love and enjoy memorizing these beautiful works.

Andersen's Tales in Children's Literature

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