Being An Aunt For The First Time

Women who, for any reason, have not brought a child into the world and have the joy of experiencing the arrival of their first nephew, discover an unconditional love that grows day by day and that makes them a second mother.
Being aunt for the first time

In general, those who have not been a mother and receive the great news that they will become an aunt for the first time cannot explain in words such emotion. Regardless of the circumstance, time and even age, the arrival of a nephew is something very special.

The little one who is on the way will undoubtedly be the joy of the house and the protagonist of many antics of which the new aunt will surely be a part.

When you are an aunt for the first time, you are always eager to teach your nephew new things, take photos of each and every one of his facets and prepare delicious desserts for his snacks and share them with him. You are like a second mother to that new being and you look forward to that moment when she will call you aunt for the first time.

You will always be there to take advantage of that privileged moment of putting him to bed and repeating the same fable a hundred times; meanwhile, you drop discreet but essential comments, which will shape their spirit.

At his side, you watch a television series or simply cartoons in order to comment and exchange opinions. Thus, you teach him to reflect on it and highlight values ​​that will be useful in his long life journey.

Despite this, the fact that you love your nephew very much does not mean that you will leave behind discipline and respect to train him as a person. You should always contribute to their personal development in an exemplary way.

5 golden rules to follow when you are aunt for the first time

Sometimes just because you’re not the mother, you don’t take your nephew’s upbringing seriously. In doing so, you make a mistake. In order for you to give true value to your role, we leave you five golden rules to be the best aunt:

1. Be an extraordinary aunt, not an ally

When the parents are not found, the role of the aunt comes into play. The child will need a guide and not a comrade. 

Today, it is very common for an aunt to confide her fears and problems to a nephew. Being an aunt for the first time often involves setting limits and rules just like parents.

Your life will change completely after being aunt for the first time.

2. Discipline your nephew from a young age

It does not mean that because the nephews are the spoiled ones, they will choose the easy way and will be allowed to do whatever they want; As aunt, one of your tasks is to instill that from a young age they should collaborate in the housework  and support parents in making them understand that they must follow rules.

On the other hand, you must not become complacent. When the little one finds your support for his mistakes, he will assume control of the situation and, therefore, will disobey his parents.

3. Spend quality time with your nephew

Often the aunt does not live in the same house as her nephew; Also, due to work commitments, you may not be able to spend as much time as you would like with him.

Therefore, when they are together they should take advantage of their free time and turn it into quality moments. A little while is enough to play, exercise, sit down and talk or walk for a few hours.

That time spent will be valued by the boy; no matter how small it is, it will always remember those beautiful moments.

4. Always speak the truth, even if it is harsh

There is no doubt that true self-esteem comes from overcoming a challenge. Therefore, you should not overprotect your nephew, since this way he will never develop abilities to overcome difficulties.

At the right time, genuine achievements should be commended, and if for any reason your nephew missed his targets, he shouldn’t be made to feel worthless, but neither should he be treated like a champion. Help him learn from his defeats.

Being an aunt for the first time is one of the greatest joys in life.

5. Always watch what mischief your nephew is up to

It is not a myth that an unsupervised child will be a serious problem in the short term. That is why your duty as aunt is not to unleash your nephew no matter how old he is.

Said vigilance must be given without the child feeling overwhelmed, since that would motivate him to stop being himself ; Thus, you would no longer be the beloved aunt who guides him, but a person he cannot trust.

Being an aunt is a blessing. Your nephew sees you as a second mother with whom he will share sweet moments and others not so good. Take advantage of your influence to instill values ​​and principles in any circumstance of life. Also, give all your love, which you will surely receive much more in return.

I am a baptism godfather!

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