Sport In Pregnancy: What To Consider

Including sport in pregnancy is not only recommended, but should be a practically mandatory option. Get advice from a professional and include it in your routine.
Sport in pregnancy: what to consider

Sport in pregnancy is not usually well seen by many people, but that kind of thinking must be radically transformed. If you belong to this group, try to change the chip and find a way to stay active during the pregnancy process.

Physical activity carried out through sports should not be considered as something prohibited during pregnancy, quite the opposite. Sports can offer a number of benefits to you and your future child ; These can even be modified to suit your needs.

Sports in pregnancy

The gestation process causes your body to enter a special condition; This is logical, because you have a life inside you. However, this condition should not be an argument to promote sedentary lifestyle.

Therefore, it is advisable that you have a regular amount of sports during pregnancy and practices that help you maintain good shape. Keep in mind that eating and other healthy habits should complement the sport you choose.

Woman practicing sport in pregnancy.

What must be taken into account when practicing sports during pregnancy?

Choosing a sport during pregnancy requires taking into account a number of important aspects. Although it is advisable to carry out physical exercise, it must be planned in a timely manner and for this you need professional advice.

Go to the doctor

The first point to take into account before including sport in pregnancy is medical authorization. Under normal conditions, you should visit your family doctor in order to have regular check-ups.

When you find yourself pregnant, these reviews become even more necessary and consecutive. The objective will focus on analyzing your conditions and those of the future baby, especially if you want to do any type of physical exercise. The obstetrician will be in charge of providing you with a series of recommendations, as well as some steps that you should not ignore.

Avoid impact sports

Within the world of sports there are many options. However, not all sports are suitable for a pregnant woman. This is an aspect that you must keep in mind at all times, especially if it is about sports that involve a high probability of impact, be it joint or body.

Contact sports are automatically excluded from the equation. It doesn’t matter if you practiced them before the pregnancy process; now you must put them aside and look for another option.

Determine physical condition

All people have different processes, not only during pregnancy, but on a day-to-day basis. If you are a pregnant woman who exercised before, the situation will be different. If you didn’t, it will cost you more work.

Sport requires a process of adaptation and this will be made easier if you have a well-established sports footprint. The body undergoes a series of physiological changes during pregnancy and being physically adapted will make things easier for you.

In addition, you are likely to perceive these changes as a less traumatic experience. Therein lies the importance of a good prior physical condition. On the contrary, if you are a woman who plans to adopt sports in pregnancy, you should start with greater caution.

What sports are advisable?

We have previously made reference to contact and joint impact sports, which are not recommended for pregnant women, as they can increase the risk of injury or loss of the baby.

So what are the sports that you can do? In that order of ideas, professionals advise sports disciplines in which there is not an excessive demand :

  • Walking : although it is not a specific sport, walking is the main physical activity recommended for a pregnant woman. This type of activity involves the displacement of body weight   and promotes blood circulation, as well as the toning of the pregnant woman.
  • Swimming : it is one of the most recommended sports for people in general. As a pregnant woman, this discipline is one of the best options. The body weight decreases thanks to the water, the joint impact is zero and the innumerable benefits for you and the fetus are the main reasons to carry it out.
  • Yoga : the management of breathing, as well as the different postures are advisable for your gestation process. In this way, you will have a greater supply of oxygenated blood throughout your body.
    Couple practicing sport with their son in the stroller.

It should be remembered that there are many sports programs focused on pregnant women ; Ideally, you should visit them and sign up for the one you like the most. There they will request a medical diagnosis, authorization from the obstetrician and will make evaluations to check your physical condition. All this is necessary to carry out a proper process.

Find your best option to practice sports during pregnancy

Regardless of the sport you choose, make sure that it is suitable for your pregnancy process and, above all, that you like it. Don’t force yourself to do something that doesn’t motivate you.

Put yourself in the task of investigating thoroughly. If you have family, friends or partner, request their constant accompaniment to make the sessions more enjoyable. Lastly, don’t forget that it should benefit you and your future child. It is important to understand what and how you will do it.

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