Breathe And Live, You Will Be A Mother For Life

Breathe and live, you will be a mother for life

Breathe and live. You will be a mother all your life, but your child will sooner or later cease to be a child. Housework may well wait, the little ones can’t. Someday, the hard time will come when you understand that time has no turning back.

Also, avoid wasting hours of your life doing overtime thinking about giving toys to the little ones. The beauty of childhood lies in achieving happiness with very little. And that little is nothing more than quality time shared with their parents.

Breathe and live, but above all enjoy a unique love

Never forget the warmth of those tender hugs. The less you think of denying your child the most satisfactory show of love. Remember that perhaps, in a couple of years, you will miss those hugs that at the time you could not give.


“I love you son!” , shout it to the four winds. Express it in as many ways as possible. Especially memorize this premise: the important thing about giving love is that the boy feels it. Whenever you think about it, tell your child how much you love him. It never hurts.

Enjoy those butterfly kisses and feel the world that your child vibrates through. Close your eyes and feel the manifestation of those bear hugs. Stop at his smile, and get caught up in it. That life is so beautiful that it has been commissioned to send you a personal angel so that you accept this truth.

Live and let live

Nothing worse can happen in life than just passing. It is then about passing through this world honoring life. And what better way to do it than to leave the most useful and memorable legacy? Mark with fire those magical and incomparable moments with the child.

Teach him to enjoy the things that are really worth it. Show him how to skip puddles of water incessantly, pass on gifts to play and work with mud. Invite him to explore that world that captivates and captivates him so much.

Tell him about the wisdom of nature. Discover the mysteries of life together. Teach your child to carefully observe the behavior of the bugs in the park. Tell him that story that, you well know, he’s waiting to hear.

Breathe and live: let it grow happy

Do not underestimate what they say, even if you do not believe in it or feel like a little girl. Allow him to imagine, for it is what makes him a pure soul. By the way, go ahead and imagine with him. Go back to your sweet childhood and enjoy that inner journey with your child’s present.

Let the child express himself as he can. If he needs to cry, don’t stop or hold him back. Even if crying relieves you of the discomfort that the situation implies, do not hesitate to do so. But always keep the dialogue open and peer-to-peer with him so that he can download.

What difference does it make if in this process that they have called childhood, your house gets dirty and some objects break? These are absolutely normal questions in the everyday life of any person. And even more so if you have children.


In any case, the stains can be easily cleaned. Also, the walls can be repainted. And those furniture that are characterized by showing off the “rock art” of the youngest ones, will also be renewed at some point.

Do not suffer for that ornament that was destroyed. Well, if you can’t fix it with glue, it is possible to replace it. After all, it is still a mere material good, something that lacks sentimental value and can therefore be replaced. Something that does not happen with your child’s childhood.

Just breathe and live intensely

Dishes can be washed later, and you can even get help from your husband to enjoy your child more. Do not forget that while you clean, your child grows. So, reconsider your priorities and urgencies.

The reality is that your child does not want or need so many toys. He just wants to feel his mother by his side to feel loved, safe and protected. The time is today and the time is now: the time has come to work less and want more.

Above all we ask you mom: breathe and live. Well, you will be a mother until the last day of your life. Instead, he will be a child only once. And that time, unfortunately, is short-lived.  And you, what will you do with your son from now on?

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