The Role Of The Pediatrician In Parenting

Much has been studied about the role of the pediatrician in parenting. The best answers can be provided by parents and families, who know best if the pediatrician’s accompaniment is or has been satisfactory, as well as their role in parenting.
The role of the pediatrician in parenting

The birth of a child requires the accompaniment of a significant number of people, but regardless of whether they are many or few, the important thing is that their help and accompaniment be friendly and in a framework of trust.

Thus, aunts, uncles, grandmothers and grandfathers compete for the task of being available. However, the somewhat dizzying current times sometimes prevent this.

The role of the pediatrician in parenting

The upbringing of a child is not easy and generally depends on previous experiences, the existence of young children in the family and bonding modes. Having the support of loved ones is essential.

Little girl high-fiving her pediatrician after a checkup.

It is also important to have the help of a professional who supervises the child’s health – as referenced in a document prepared by the Garrahan Hospital Foundation, in Buenos Aires, Argentina – and who, in a friendly way, responds to doubts and concerns that may arise along the way. Thus, the role of the pediatrician in parenting acquires a fundamental role.

At the same time, from the Argentine Society of Pediatrics it is established that “Pediatrics constitutes a basic medical area – directly accessible by users-, considered integral medicine for the care of newborns, infants, children and adolescents” .

When the pediatrician sets limits for us

How curious. Parents are, in general, the ones who set the limits for their children, but what happens when the pediatrician does this? Strictly speaking, nothing bad should happen if the pediatrician sets a limit, since, like the limits set by parents – if they are established from love and in a kind way – they provide a positive effect.

The difference is that the limits that parents set do so on a child who is not yet autonomous and who must receive loving guidance from his parents. On the other hand, pediatricians, by placing a limit on parents, are doing it in an adult person with all that this implies.

The role of the pediatrician in parenting: the limit as a guide and not as a punishment

From the UNICEF Office, Uruguay, the importance of setting limits in childhood has been extensively described . In this sense, setting limits to parents by the pediatrician would not be the best term. However, he seeks to make an analogy with the importance of a firm but friendly setting of limits, without losing sight of the fact that the interlocutors in this case are adults.

The role of the pediatrician in parenting is very important.

In summary

  • Having a health professional, be it the pediatrician or the family doctor, represents a fundamental element in raising a child.
  • Accessing and understanding health information is essential and, therefore, it is also essential that the professional provide it in simple and understandable language.
  • Be available to take care of the child’s health and to answer questions and concerns of the parents.
  • Parents should not be afraid of raising doubts, as well as disagreeing with some indications, on occasions.

Finally, promoting a healthy encounter between the pediatrician, the child and the family represents an important task that will undoubtedly contribute favorably to children’s health.

Up to what age should children go to the pediatrician?

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