Pimples On The Baby’s Face: Causes And Recommendations

Lesions on the face of neonates are common. However, they are not serious or cause complications. We talked about pimples on babies’ faces.
Pimples on the baby's face: causes and recommendations

The infant’s skin is soft and delicate. However, pimples often appear on the baby’s face that cause concern and anxiety for parents. Some do not require treatment because they resolve spontaneously, while others require medical intervention through specific treatments.

Causes of pimples on baby’s face

Children, at birth, have soft and smooth skin. The skin surface is not yet fully developed, so it is more prone to presenting different skin pathologies.

Milium cysts

Also called miliaria, it most often affects neonates and children with increased sweating. The main cause of milium cysts is obstruction of the eccrine sweat glands or ducts.

This can be caused by skin debris or bacteria such as Staphylococcus epidermidis with its formation of biofilms. It is a skin disorder that involves vesicles, papules, and pustules. In turn, they usually appear as white and yellowish granites in the following areas :

Newborn baby with pimples on his face.
  • Cheeks.
  • Nose.
  • Chin.

The rash usually resolves spontaneously and does not require any type of treatment.

Infant acne

Neonatal acne is a common condition and usually occurs in 20% of babies younger than 6 weeks. It is not even true acne, but it is an inflammatory response to a fungus called Malazzesia .

The clinical presentation is characterized by inflammatory pustules and papules. In addition, it resolves on its own, without requiring any type of treatment in 1 to 3 months.

It is a benign and transitory skin disorder that is generated by the hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands due to the androgen effect.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Also called cradle cap, these are usually yellow, oily skin flakes on the scalp and forehead region.

Seborrheic dermatitis of the skin is harmless and does not require treatment. However, the use of almond oil is usually indicated to more easily loosen the scales.

The differential diagnosis par excellence is atopic dermatitis. This is characterized by moderate to severe itching, which interferes with sleep and feeding of the infant.

Sudamina, one of the causes of pimples on the baby’s face

Sudamine is a skin condition characterized by superficial vesicles of 1 to 2 millimeters, which resemble water droplets on the skin that are easily broken.

The vesicles that are observed are superficial, so an inflammatory reaction is not generated. In turn, the most affected areas are the upper part of the trunk, head and neck.

It is known as miliaria crystallina and occurs most often in babies younger than 2 months. In fact, it affects between 4.5% and 9% of newborn babies.

Lesions appear within days of exposure to risk factors and resolve spontaneously the day after the most superficial layer of skin has been removed.

Atopic eczema

Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease characterized by pruritic lesions, alteration of the skin barrier, dysregulation of the immune system,  and allergic reactions to environmental and food allergens. It presents the following clinical manifestations:

  • Reddening.
  • Peeling.
  • Crazing.
  • Superinfection

The vast majority of babies with atopic disease have a personal or family history of atopy (allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, or asthma).

Recommendations for pimples on the baby’s face

Some of the tips that must be taken into account to avoid the formation of injuries in the baby can be easy and effective:

  • Baths with lukewarm water : when performing the hygiene of babies, it is recommended to use lukewarm water and neutral soaps that do not contain fragrances or dyes. In addition, the rinse should be short-lived and should not be towel dried, as it may cause too much friction.
    Baby with pimples on his face.
  • Appropriate clothing : Lightweight, 100% cotton clothing helps prevent excessive sweating in babies. It is advisable to use light colors that are not too tight.
  • Avoid sun exposure : sun exposure is  prohibited in babies under 6 months. However, in the elderly it is not recommended to be in the sun and even more so without the proper sunscreen.
  • Rich varied diet: a diet that contains all the vitamins and nutrients is essential to avoid skin diseases. In turn, adequate hydration is recommended.
  • Avoid certain products : powders or products should not be placed on the face of babies, as it could cause dryness or block the sebaceous glands.

The importance of the doctor’s consultation

Although the injuries to the baby’s face are not serious, it is important to always consult a specialist doctor. It will be the suitable and trained personnel who will indicate the measures or treatments that must be carried out and followed if it is considered necessary.

Baby's skin

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