Meraki: A Concept To Inspire Us

Words like ” Meraki ”, ” Hygge ” and ” Vorfreude ” are in themselves an empowering concept that we can use in our daily lives. These words are also ways of living the beauty of life and celebrating our personal growth.
Meraki: a concept to inspire us

Have you ever heard of the Meraki? If this is not your case, the first thing you should know is that this is a word of power and a concept capable of moving us forward and inspiring us to grow and also celebrate growth.

Although it is true that we do not always need words that motivate us, represent us or like us, there are many words whose potential is such that the mind reacts positively to them.

In this way, a word with this type of potential can introduce a significant improvement in our lives, change our perception, or expand it, and many other things that directly influence our well-being.

A word with power

Every word has the potential to affect us in one way or another. Power is understood as a subtle concept, but with the ability to affect our behavior and emotions.

Meraki, is one of those words that constitutes in itself a concept that helps us celebrate personal growth and continue to surpass ourselves.

In other words, it invites us to search for self-realization as a philosophy of life and the engine of all actions that we can undertake. In this way, Meraki becomes the heart of the gear that drives our value chain.

In search of a philosophy of life

Every so often, every human being comes to a moment in which he must make a decision to advance and improve with respect to the past. Many people experience this as a kind of “pond zone” where uncertainty is experienced with a certain neutrality.

In reality, this is the characteristic paralysis of fear of action. After all, change is always scary.

When the human being believes that he can lose everything if something changes in his life, it is when the words of power gain strength and manage to instill the necessary courage to undertake a new search and abandon the fear of change.

Uncertainty paralyzes us by making us overlook the good that change can bring. When a person realizes that they have been living in automatic mode for a while, without truly experiencing pleasant emotions that allow them to be happy, emptiness arrives.

In this sense, the word Meraki will serve as a guide. It is not a means to obtain encouragement but to recover it through the commitment that you decide to have with yourself, in your life.

Meraki for life, for everyone.

It does not intend a paradigm shift, only your dedication and commitment to what you do and truly care so that this becomes a way of experiencing happiness on a daily basis.

Meraki is a word that can inspire us all : the mother who feels that she is not dedicating time to what she is truly passionate about, the adolescent who does not find her passion, the child who has difficulties developing a school project, etc. .

What does the word Meraki mean?

Meraki is a word that comes from ancient Greek.  It is a word that represents the idea of ​​an intersection between emotions of passion and dedication for something, but in Spanish it does not have an exact translation. The simplest definition of Meraki is:

In this sense, Meraki denotes the thinking of great leaders, such as Steve Jobs, whose meticulousness, creativity and passion for his work led him to make his mark in the world of computing. Have you ever thought what you could do if you put the Meraki concept into practice?

How to incorporate the Meraki philosophy into my life

Meraki is not a form of work motivation, nor is it an idea that will keep you motivated all the time, it is a principle that encourages you to get out of mental monotony, that encourages you to leave that trace of the best version of you in everything. what you do and in everything you love.

Meraki is not a sticky marketing slogan, but one of those ways of living that both in good times and bad times will allow you to wake up refreshed, ready to live the experience of each day.

Likewise, it will allow you to maintain the necessary energy to easily find inspiration around us : or to leave our signature in the solution of a problem or in the improvement of an issue, and even, in the invention of something.

Meraki is a key concept that turns your visits to the seashore into diving excursions, writing a short text becomes an aphorism or even a book … and it will allow you to appreciate every good thing that happens, which will attract many more to your life.

The importance of words

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