The Benefits Of Joint Custody

The benefits of joint custody

Parents who separate are often concerned about whether this new situation may affect their children. At first they don’t know what to do and feel confused and angry. More and more , agreeing to joint custody of the children is being established as the best option before a separation.

With joint custody, it is intended that the children retain their relationship with both parents and do not suffer so much with the breakup. But it can also generate inconveniences such as parental expenses or that the continuous change of house means less stability for children.

shared custody

Shared custody

Joint custody is the legal situation whereby, in the event of separation or divorce,  both parents exercise legal custody of their minor children, under equal conditions and rights over them.

The joint custody options are varied. Children can live with each parent for years, semesters, fortnights, on alternate days …  Experts recommend that children live near the family home so that they continue in the same school and in the same environment. Another condition is that the siblings are always together.

The important thing is that the parents live close by whenever possible. It can be by keeping two or three houses. At all times there must be cordiality and collaboration between the parents for this to be possible.

If, when they separate, they opt for joint custody, both parents exercise legal custody of their minor children under the same conditions and rights. In this article we are going to remind you of the advantages and disadvantages of joint custody.

shared custody

Advantages of joint custody

Joint custody has numerous advantages and positive aspects for parents for children. The first is that the breakup is usually less traumatic for children. Children can be with their father and mother and their life does not usually have many changes.

Children tend to feel more secure and calm. As they can spend the same time with the father and mother, the child does not have the feeling of abandonment that he suffers when he goes a long time without seeing one of the two. It also helps to avoid generating other negative feelings for children such as guilt, loyalty or denial.

Both parents have the same responsibility and obligations, which requires responsibility and commitment on their part. Of course,  parents will have to reach agreements and be able to agree and negotiate. Parents have to establish continuous communication and make joint decisions.

Normally, with joint custody, the suitability of neither parent ceases to be questioned, given that both fulfill the same role and functions. The father and mother feel involved in the lives of their children and have to share responsibilities and obligations.

A greater awareness of both parents is achieved about the need to contribute to the expenses of the children, since they live their problems day by day and see what the children need.

shared custody

Drawbacks of joint custody

Joint custody can have some inconveniences for children and parents, although they obviously do not outweigh its benefits. The first is that parents have to live close together and it can be a problem when they don’t have a good relationship. It can also be an economic problem for the parent who has to leave home and has to buy or rent a home in the area.

You have to count on that it can involve more expenses since if you opt for joint custody, you have to maintain two houses suitable for the children. The child will have to adapt to each of the homes in which he will live. If both parents for financial reasons have to change their address continuously, this can affect the stability of the children.

The first months you have to be very attentive to the adaptation of the children since they will find two houses with different rules. The child may feel some confusion in the first moments. We must also be careful that this change does not affect their school performance and that the transfer of books, homework, clothes is well organized …

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