20 Essential House Rules In A Family With Children

Establishing house rules is essential for a good family life. Although each family is different, there are a series of rules that must be present in all homes.
20 essential house rules in a family with children

The establishment of house rules is essential in a family, especially if there are children. These rules will help all members of the family to be aware that living together entails rights and duties that must be fulfilled.

As children grow, it is necessary that we establish rules that we must all respect, according to the capacities and responsibilities that each one can assume. Thus, the house rules must be established among the whole family.

Parents will be in charge of ensuring that these rules are understood, accepted and respected. Do you want to know what rules should not be lacking in a family with children? Keep reading.

Why is it so necessary to establish house rules when we have children?

The rules help us to know what to do and what not to do, as well as being the basis for a good coexistence. Why are they necessary?

Father with his daughter putting a washing machine as part of the house rules.
  • For children to grow up confident and balanced. Norms are the foundations of behavior and what will help children learn to live as social beings.
  • A child who respects the house rules also learns to live together at school, with friends and family, in the park, etc.
  • Boys have to learn to live within limits and rules for a good coexistence with other people. It is important that they understand that they can do what they need, but always avoiding invading the freedom of others.

How can we teach and enforce the house rules?

The key for children to respect the rules and regulations of the house is that they are few, simple and clear. Thus, we make sure that they are understandable to the little ones. What must we take into account to teach and enforce the rules?

  • The age of the children at the time of establishing them. The younger the child is, the rules should be simpler. As they grow, they will adapt and, in addition, we will let you participate at the time of their establishment.
  • We must always agree between the whole family, including children, the house rules that are going to be established. All suggestions and opinions will be considered, even if we parents have the last word.
  • Any member of the family who breaks a rule, including the parents, must acknowledge their mistake. We can all make mistakes and from those mistakes we will learn to improve coexistence.
  • Parents can propose a list of essential house rules for a good coexistence. Children’s suggestions can be added to this list.

Some essential house rules for a good family life

House rules can vary from one family to another, depending on their culture, values, customs, beliefs, etc. However, there are a number of rules that are basic in all families. Next, we are going to see a list of the most important ones.

  1. Use an appropriate tone of voice, without yelling or being violent when we speak.
  2. Do not interrupt when someone is speaking.
  3. Asking permission to take things that belong to someone else.
  4. Listen to whoever speaks to us before we intervene.
  5. Do not disrespect or hit anyone in the family, and not those who come home.
  6. Respect ourselves and others
  7. Be kind and polite when we ask someone for something.
  8. Leave the place to calm down and then come back to solve the problem, if we are angry.
  9. Ask for things politely and always give thanks.
  10. At lunchtime, we all sit down at the table and start when everyone is seated. In the same way, we will not get up from the table until everyone has finished or they give us permission.
  11. Say hello and goodbye always.
  12. Share the things we have with others.
  13. Treat other people as we like to be treated.
  14. Apologize and apologize if we have done something wrong.
  15. Comply with the home security rules (do not open the door to strangers, turn off electronic devices, etc.).
  16. Collaborate in the house to keep it orderly and clean.
    Little girl putting the dishwasher.
  17. Have established a schedule for the completion of school tasks.
  18. Collaborate all with the housework, always adapting to the abilities and ages of the family members.
  19. Have a schedule for the game and the use of tablets , computers, mobile phones, etc., strictly respecting those schedules.
  20. Go to bed at the established time, always respecting the rest of the family.

Example is the key

This list of house rules are just some ideas that we can use to improve family life, but they are not the only ones. What we must not forget is that mom and dad also have to respect the house rules. The children follow our example and, if they have to fulfill them and we do not fulfill them, what examples are we giving them?

A basic aspect of the education of our children is our example and this will mark the construction of the children of healthy values, habits and customs. Therefore, we have to remember that we have to behave consistently in front of the child and never enter into contradictions.

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