What Do We Play With The Children?

What do we play with the children?

Play is very important in child development, that is why children always play and they should ; They can be distracted for hours with other children, but sometimes they have no one to play with. In this sense, as parents we have the responsibility to help the little ones in their development, for which it is very necessary to play with them very often; According to their age, there are different options to teach and entertain them.

When we spend time with the little ones we realize that they are always looking for something to play with and will usually find how to do it. However, parents can help them to carry out the activity that best suits their age, so that it allows them to learn to the best of their abilities.

Not all parents have a specialization in early childhood education, nor have we read the manual on how to play with children; that is why it is common for us to ask ourselves what to play? Will you like it? Will you understand? In this post we show you some ideas of how we can play with children according to their needs and demands.

And now … what do we play?

All adults would find it very useful to have an idea of ​​how to play with children, sometimes they tend to get bored or become restless because they do not get a specific distraction. As they grow, the demands are greater, the rattle and bears will no longer be enough, but the first option should not always be the television or electronic devices.

To achieve positive effects on the development of the child through play, it is convenient that the activities really stimulate them, it must be something that excites them, that they enjoy and is appropriate for them. In its first stage, the baby’s game is quite simple, they usually have fun with any sound or gesture that we make, but soon they will need toys, space and preferably other children to play with.


The first games are oriented to the child’s senses, while the little one begins to recognize textures, colors, shapes and sounds, he can be distracted for hours with little things. Older children will get started with role plays, practice their vocabulary, and do rehearsals for social relationships.

We invite you to practice the following tips:

  • During the first twelve months the best way to play with the baby is through the stimulation of his senses, some toys are needed to improve the effects, but it is enough that someone dedicates time to caress him, sing to him, hand him his rattle and pick up all the pacifiers that I throw on the floor.
  • Around eighteen months the little one will begin to move with more independence, his greatest fun is exploring, crawling, trying to stand up, walking and discovering the multiple possibilities of movements that his limbs have. In this stage the games are to go up and down, run, get on the tricycle, skateboard or any useful toy to help move.

The mat is always convenient for you to exercise, play with the ball in open spaces, the park, the corridors and all the safe places where you can move at ease

  • After two years of age he begins to play in a more conscious way, once he has learned the fundamental utility of his body, he will have the ability to represent imagined life situations. At this stage, his capacity is more developed, which is why he is able to imitate the behavior of adults and activities that he has witnessed.

    Here the role play begins, you can create your work environment, a kitchen, a classroom and is able to play any role. The indispensable toys of this stage are costumes, dolls, tools, telephones, building elements, paintings. To play with them, it is important to be creative and adapt to their proposal, let them experience possible situations that they will have to face in real life

    • In the following years, much of the time they spent playing will be devoted to their school activities. However, some years will pass where he will still play, perhaps his games may be much more aggressive or exaggerated, but he will continue to rehearse for adulthood; it is common that they begin to imitate their favorite television characters and will have the ability to enter more cognitive games.

      Main image courtesy of © wikiHow.com

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