Feed Their Desire To Learn

The learning that takes place in the minds of children is like magic … When it happens it is wonderful. You have to feed it with motivation!
Feed their desire to learn

Every child is always eager to learn, it is normal for him to be curious about new things and to try to exercise in his mind what he has already learned. Learning is like magic that occurs in the minds of those who learn and this must be nurtured so that it continues to grow.

To get children motivated to learn there is a lot we can do, particularly focusing on something entertaining and interesting for them. In this sense, sometimes school problems are given when the little one has lost motivation, which we must prevent from happening …

How do we feed their desire to learn?

Curiosity and motivation are the engine of learning. In the first stage of life, the little ones see motivations everywhere, they want to repeat the games and those things that are new to them. However, many times the break happens when they arrive at school, because there the knowledge arrives in a different way and not all the learning is of interest to them.

In this case, the challenge is not only for teachers, who must try to motivate them with innovative strategies, but also for parents. They must  encourage their children to go to class with enthusiasm and to develop academically in the right way.


It is an obligation of parents to promote in their children the motivation to learn, things that will be valuable for life. In the same way, it is important to stimulate their professional vocation, alerting them to the differences that may exist between one career and another; as well as tell them what they need to know if they want to achieve their goals.

To achieve better results, it is advisable to know what your interests are, so that this information can help us to locate strategies aimed at improving certain knowledge. Sometimes it is enough to identify the characteristics of your personality, in order to be able to use the most appropriate tools for each person.

Strategies to achieve it

Motivating children to become more and more eager to learn is possible by following the following recommendations:

  • It is very valuable to innovate in the strategies we use to teach, especially when it comes to boring concepts. It is important to bring education to a more attractive plane for the child.
  • Remembering how important learning can be is valid only when it is not done through endless sermons. It is advisable to include elements that are of interest to you, such as saying that this will serve you in your chosen career.
  • Give examples that seek their attention, such as comparing such a teaching with what one of your favorite TV characters, a famous artist or athlete would do.
  • It is advisable not to neglect the work that the child is doing, because you should avoid getting tired in the middle of the task, reminding him how interesting this is and that he must continue to advance.
  • Sometimes children do not know how valuable the information they are receiving can be, so it must be emphasized that it can be very important and interesting in many aspects.
  • It is recommended that the child see concrete results in the short term, so the objectives must be defined and accessible. When the little ones see that they are getting results, their enthusiasm will be renewed.
  • To motivate the desire to learn, we also need to be motivated. This implies that we are willing to incorporate new things and want to transmit them, since our willingness to learn must be reflected in children.

Recognize their achievements and encourage them

It is very important that achievements are recognized, so that he can see that his effort is rewarded, something that motivates him to continue learning to get recognition.

In the same way, do not forget that in addition to recognizing their achievements, it is important to design a space  appropriate to their interests;  It is good to know how you respond best, if you need a special stimulus to work or if the conditions are right.

It is recommended to answer the questions that the child asks, because this is a sign that he wants to learn and that he is motivated with something. It is also advisable to ask them questions about things around them, how something works, or their opinion about a particular topic.

The importance of intrinsic motivation in children

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