I Can’t Wait To Hold You In My Arms!

I can't wait to hold you in my arms!

Nine months of waiting, more than 36 weeks waiting. They become an eternity when it comes to putting on a face. The thing is, my beloved son, I can’t wait to hold you in my arms. I dream of that magical moment since the day a “positive” surprised me.

I can’t wait to have you on my body as soon as I have arrived in the world. May the warmth of your love embrace me for the first time. Between your tears and your fears, feel that special connection for the first time. I can’t wait to feel your aroma, that smell of life that will imbue my days from that moment.

And I want the long-awaited moment to come. I long for it, I long for it with all the strength of my heart. I need to see you, verify that you are okay. Know that you are healthy, strong and start working to make you happy. Each of your days, forever.

I can’t wait to have you by my side, my faithful and eternal companion of every day. Adding color to the grayer landscapes, and music to the loudest days. Beauty and harmony is what you give away, peace and joy is what I will offer you in return.

I can’t wait to have you close to feel you fully

I can’t wait to have you close, next to me. Well, I just want to feel you fully. I want to be able to hug you and fill you with kisses. Repeating ad nauseam how much I’ve waited for you and reminding you at every moment how I love you Let you take my fingers with those soft little hands.

See in you that innocence that I lost. Observe you as that little angel with wings that came to teach me to live. That gives me the possibility of going back to childhood. Enjoy the freshness and purity of your soul. Feeling the protector of that defenseless being.

Seriously I see myself crying with emotion. Delighted with that look that can express everything without even saying a single word. Anguished and desperate to calm your crying, to satisfy each of your needs. Basically, for being the best mother you could have had.

Feeling naturally designed so perfectly for you. Able to feed you with the fruit of my womb. See those first smiles. To be in charge not only of giving life, but of giving it a form. Shape personalities, build in the present to finish building in the future.

I can’t wait to have you to enjoy every second of the unique softness that your skin exhibits. To fall in love every day more with those chubby cheeks that are my passion. Chat and sing to you all the time, tell you how I longed for those shared moments. Simply, fill the hours with the deepest and sincerest love of a devoted mother.

I can’t wait to have you growing up

I can’t wait to keep you close while you grow up. To be surprised at your first gurgles and explode with happiness at the first words. To die with that first “mom”, to come back to life in each “I love you”. Hear you sing the first melodies.

Feel the tenderness and sweetness of your voice, laugh until you are fed up with each of your occurrences. Take a first step towards porridges and purees. Go tasting different flavors little by little, leaving behind your best food and our best means of bonding.

With nostalgia to feel that you will intersperse my arms with any type of displacement. The quick crawl, quickly replaced by those first wild, unsteady steps. Marathons to wear and dress that innocently ‘nudist’ personality.

The abandonment of the diaper to help yourself more and more. That painful but rewarding step to achieving autonomy and independence. Kindergarten adaptations, proper separation from school. Shared snacks and pictures.

Thus reaching the unfortunate duties and his first friends. Until ending in that news that freezes our blood. Clearly, the arrival of the first great love. Everything I want to live with ardor, enjoying each advance, each achievement.

Son, hurry up, I can’t wait to have you in my arms. Well, only then can we begin to write this great adventure in pairs. Only in this way will the endearing pages of our anecdote begin to fill with the honey of this new life that will ignite in moments.

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