Prepare To Conceive And Have A Healthy Pregnancy

Prepare to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy

Although many times the conception occurs without planning, the ideal is to be prepared to take on this task. Conceiving and carrying a totally healthy pregnancy is the dream of every woman, preparing for that is the mission to complete to ensure that everything turns out as we want and deserve.

If your purpose is to get pregnant, it is time for you to assume the responsibility of taking the pertinent actions so that it happens as soon as you want. The first thing to consider is that the experience is pleasant and that it is a healthy process.
The main recommendation if you have already made this decision is: friend, get ready to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy !; For this we have prepared a set of useful recommendations to apply in the next stage.

Recommendations for conceiving with full preparation

We know that each woman is different, that her habits, physiological and mental qualities, context and cognitive capacity vary indeterminately. However, these recommendations are addressed to expectant mothers who want to know how to prepare to take on this challenge.

Tips to prepare before you conceive

Before conceiving you should pay attention to the following tips:

  • Try to adapt body and mind
  • Apply healthy behaviors the first two weeks after your last period. It also helps your health and that of the father with the consumption of adequate food; Eliminate alcohol and any harmful substances.
  • If you take the pill, it is not recommended that you interrupt the treatment. Do not be mortified in interrupting the cycle, continue with this so that you have better clarity of your dates
  • Maintain adequate communication with your partner, in total harmony, relaxation and seriousness as possible
  • Know the details of the parents’ lives, through communication with friends or family members who have babies, so that they can give you clarity about how motherhood turned out for them.
  • Practice relaxation techniques and avoid stress, which, as we know, always comes by itself when we have made an important decision.
  • To think of all the love that the baby is going to be given when it is born, but do not forget to do the necessary accounts, to guarantee that our economy is favorable to make this decision.
    Prepare for a healthy pregnancy.

If we have already passed the stage in which we are planning the baby and in fact we have already conceived our offspring, the ideal is to start preparing for the pregnancy to take place normally.

Courtesy of Teresa Rodríguez
Courtesy of Teresa Rodríguez

Prepare for a healthy pregnancy

To have a healthy pregnancy, we recommend paying attention to the following tips :

  • Consider that medical assistance is the best decision we can make to support pregnancy at any stage. Therefore, getting our respective medical check-up on a regular basis should be mandatory.
  • Make an effort to contemplate all the possible complications that we have had before and after conceiving, or throughout our lives. That is, to comment with the doctor if we have suffered any disease, suffer from a certain health disorder or become complicated in a previous pregnancy.
  • Improve our diet in order to take care of our body for the work that it begins to fulfill. Apply the necessary corrections to the cooking techniques commonly used by us, follow the recommendations of the doctor and our loved ones.
  • Consume the vitamins prescribed in pregnancy. Folic acid is always one of the top recommended compounds, even before we get pregnant. This can be improved, also consuming foods that contain iron, such as legumes, cereals, vegetables and some fruits.
  • Keeping weight under control is vital for pregnant women, as it helps make it easier to carry and prevents diseases such as diabetes or hypertension from appearing. It is also a deciding factor before conceiving, during pregnancy and at delivery.

  • Playing sports can be very valuable for our pregnancy to develop in a healthy way . Sports practice not only has a favorable impact on physical well-being, but also on emotional ; it is also closely linked to weight loss.
  • Avoid the consumption of alcohol, drinks and other stimulating products; quit smoking and end bad habits. It is necessary to know that even if we believe that there is no risk, the consequences can be harmful to the health of the mother and the baby, and can even lead to irreversible malformations or death.

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