Reuse Clothes For My Second Child?

In most families, having the youngest inherit their siblings’ clothes is seen almost as a tradition. This practice brings many benefits, including that it promotes solidarity between siblings.
Reuse clothes for my second child?

The first pregnancy brings with it new expectations, sensations and experiences. After this, the years go by and you find out that you are back on tape; the emotion overwhelms you infinitely and you begin to make plans, including economic ones. There the question arises: will it be good to reuse clothes for my second child?

If you are an expert in keeping the clothes left by the first baby in good condition, why not use them with the new little one? Costume and toy inheritance is very common. The older brother feels protective and important for giving his things to the new member of the family, while the lucky little one has fun comfortably.

Planning for a large family involves keeping many things for your next children to take advantage of. In some cases, not only items inherited from the first birth are used, but friends and family also help with their saved treasures.

Some items are always discarded for hygiene reasons, but others are perfectly used by the new little angel in the family. The important thing is that the baby has everything necessary to feel good and comfortable; that he does not lack anything material, or affective.

It’s not bad if you think “I’m going to reuse my second child’s clothes”; if it is in good condition, it would be a terrible idea not to take advantage of it.

Reusing clothes for my second child, is it a good idea?

Good no, it’s an excellent idea. Babies grow very quickly and, at the same speed, clothing and other items are lagging behind.

When the time comes, it is best to make a selection of everything inherited from the first child. We must frankly consider its condition and usefulness.

Babies barely wear clothes and,  generally, we as parents exaggerate in the quantities of clothes they have. We always want a new combination, a fashionable little outfit and more.

Reusing clothes for my second child is a great idea for many reasons.

If they have a lot of garments available, they will be able to repeat them at most 2 or 3 times, so they will surely be in very good condition and can be used later.

Upon the arrival of the new member of the family, what is recommended is to wash all the stored clothes with mild detergent and dry them naturally. Thus, it will be ready to be reused and enjoyed by the new baby.

With regard to shoes, those made in crochet are easy to keep. These works of art are very eye-catching and at the same time comfortable for babies. This type of footwear can be inherited without complications, we just have to wash them well; If any thread has lost its course, we re-incorporate it into the fabric and that’s it.

In contrast, sole shoes are not recommended to be worn by one child and then the other. The reason is that each child has his feet in a different way; therefore, his footprint is different.

If they are worn only to dress, there is no problem, but when they begin to take their first steps, it is best to buy their own shoes.

Other objects that can be inherited from older siblings

Can I only reuse clothes for my second child? There are countless equally important objects that can be reused. Not only the clothes of the older brother can get us out of trouble and help save money. Some other elements are:

Bathtub or urinal

These implements are very useful for the baby. Bathtubs and urinals are always usually made of plastic, so they are perfect for reuse.

We must wash them very well, with plenty of boiled water ; in this way it is possible to eliminate the possible bacteria that may be attached to these containers.

Apply a good disinfectant after the boiled water and, to complete the thorough cleaning, do a thorough drying to prevent mold.


To get the car back on the road, you  have to do a thorough inspection. The fabric of the chair, the harness, the hood, everything. Remember that the safety of our baby will depend on it.

The backrest must remain rigid during taxiing. Brakes and wheels must be in good condition. If it is convenient, you can add a little fat to it for a better movement.


This is the furniture that we can get the most out of. We must analyze how worn or not the mattress is to decide if it needs to be replaced before putting it into operation.

We can change the color with a good coat of paint, verify that the brakes are in good condition – in case the crib has wheels. And ready! The crib is back in circulation!

Not only is it possible to reuse clothes for my second son, but also the toys.


These treasures are usually the most abundant when inheriting objects from the older brother. Cleaning toys is of the utmost importance, as babies first experiment with putting objects in their mouths.

The hygiene of toys has to be thorough. We recommend using boiled water for this, as well as a good sponge to remove adhering dirt.

Also, stuffed animals must undergo a thorough inspection. Look for openings or broken parts to remedy them immediately; this way, the content inside will not come out. This type of toy can become the favorite house for mites; The most recommended thing is that you put them in the washing machine regularly.

For all these reasons, reusing clothes and objects is an extraordinary option for these times in which we have such a changing economy. We not only save money and contribute to the reduction of solid waste; In addition, we instill in our children saving and the habit of sharing their things with siblings.

Mother for the second time

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