You And Me And No One Else, Mom

This letter is dedicated to you mother. For being the eternal fighter who has managed to move me forward.
You and me and no one else, mom

Hi Mom:

I am writing to tell you that your love for me and my passion for you anchor me to life.  That is why I know that we will never be alone, because we have each other to never stop talking to each other, listening to each other, loving each other and accompanying each other.

I know it’s not easy, especially when I get sick and you have to rush to the hospital or the pharmacy by yourself in the middle of the night. Or when I ask you questions about dad, about other families or about the comments that people about us and sometimes I don’t understand. I also understand that making me smile when I am sad and you are too tired is not easy. But you always get it, even if it sometimes seems like you don’t. I have hundreds of reasons mom … because:

  • You are titled in the most sincere, deepest and unconditional love that exists.
  • You have a thousand medals that you do not boast about.
  • You are my nurse and my guide, the only one who can heal my knee and heart wounds with infinite hugs and kisses.
New Mom 2
  • You are my babysitter, my confidant and my eternal companion.
  • Even if you feel defeated, you manage to seal my worries and my worries.
  • Being your son is a privilege.
  • You are all courage and you have brought me forward.
  • You spend your life forging swords and shields, mending rips, and building fancy huts.
  • I want my children to have a mother like you, the most special, the most beautiful.

I don’t care what other people think

Also, Mom, I know that a lot of people judge us and that we can inspire compassion. But they don’t understand it, they don’t know how happy we are or how much we manage to do together every day. Because nobody understands things if it is not in their own shoes.

Single mother hugging her son

Mom, I’m not going to deny that sometimes I wish I had my father close by, nor can I promise that difficult times, of misunderstanding and double or triple emotional work will not come. But precisely because you have always loved me by two, supported by two and cared for by two, I know that by your side I do not lack anything.

I understand that the emotional demands of caring for myself and raising myself, as well as dealing with everyday difficulties at the same time, is a truly exhausting challenge. I know that sometimes sadness wins the battle, because I can see it on your face and sometimes I even hear you sob. But I know, Mom, that these are only moments of emotional tension that single moms need to have to reaffirm once again that we are your blessing and that thanks to us, the children, you can overcome everything.

Single mom hugging her baby

Mom, you are my favorite hurricane

You are a hurricane and I adore disasters, we do not get on badly. I love our secret times, our reading nook, and our movie and blanket nights. I love to fall asleep on your lap, to lie down to play with me, or to read me a story at night.

And that way of you, mom, to prepare my favorite dish and surprise me. Your way of smiling makes me so happy and blissful that it awakens an earthquake in me. Your love, mom, is the culprit that I know that I should not settle for anything.

Kisses of affection and a mother to her daughter

Thanks to you I have learned that the principles that will always sustain me are based on loving with all my heart, on having one hand to give and another to receive, on being humble and on feeling proud of myself and my family.

You deserve it all, mom. Thank you for every achievement, for every dream, for every kiss and for every hug. Again, thank you for filling you with patience in the face of my mistakes, for making me feel great, for being my greatest privilege, for supporting me, for your efforts and for your wishes.

Finally: thank you for being the teacher of my life, Mom; you were, are and will always be my anchor for life.

The invisible work of mothers at home

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