Lactose-free Dessert Recipes

We are going to present you some lactose-free dessert recipes so you don’t have to give up the pleasure of a sweet even if you suffer from intolerance to said carbohydrate.
Lactose-free dessert recipes

My son is lactose intolerant and I love making desserts so much. Will there be rich lactose-free recipes? Yes of course! At you are mom we give you some tasty and fun recipes.

Lactose is one of the most common allergies today in both children and adults. But that’s not why our diet should be boring. As parents we want to give our children the best food and that it is attractive to them. But if your child has lactose intolerance, it seems to complicate things a bit.

Know the lactose

What is lactose? It is the predominant sugar in milk and according to experts in the field, the cause of lactose intolerance is the inability of the intestine to digest it and transform it into its constituents (glucose, galactose).

Lactose intolerance is a disorder that appears after the ingestion of dairy products that contain it, as a result of a deficiency of lactase (the enzyme that digests lactose). This deficiency causes a malabsorption of lactose. Unabsorbed sugar reaches the colon, where it is fermented by bacteria, generating gases. As a consequence, various symptoms of intolerance can appear, such as abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea and even constipation.

Lactose-containing foods

  • Dairy: milk, butter, yogurt, whey, sour cream, cheeses, cream, etc.
  • Processed foods. You should check the label in case the product contains whey, cream. It can commonly be in products such as bread, nutritional bars, and even sausages since it is an additive to add flavor and texture.
  • Prepared foods: mashed potatoes, flan, dulce de leche, béchamel sauce, ice cream, smoothies, creams.

Alternative products

Today there are hundreds of lactose-free products on the markets such as yogurts, milk, cheeses and ice creams, as well as hundreds of others made with soy milk. All of them are suitable for children or people with lactose intolerance. These are some:

  • Lactose-free milk. The dairy industry has created this line for all people with lactose intolerance and it is that when the milk passes through the lactase enzyme attached to an inert carrier, the lactose molecule turns on and thus you will have lactose-free milk. With it you can make yogurts, cakes and even ice cream.
  • Soy milk Without any type of lactose, you can use it without fear when making smoothies, yogurts or cakes.
  • Tofu or bean curd. A perfect substitute for cheese.

You would love for your child to eat desserts like any other child. Here we give you some delicious lactose-free dessert recipes. Dare yourself!

Strawberry Mousse


In addition to not containing lactose, this recipe stands out for its vitamin C, provided in this case by strawberries. This nutrient has the ability to stimulate collagen synthesis, improving muscle health. This is evidenced by a study published in the Orthopedic Jorunal of Sports Medicine.


200 ml of lactose-free whipping cream. It must be very cold.

200 gr. of strawberry jam.

4 sheets of neutral gelatin.

50 ml. of cold water.

sugar or sweetener to taste.


In a container you put the cold water and the gelatin sheets to soak. In another large bowl (since the cream grows when you start to beat it) you add the sugar or sweetener to the cream and to beat.

Heat the gelatin to melt it (it can be in the microwave but little by little, like 20 seconds and stir and another 20 and the same operation until finished).

Once the gelatin has melted, you add the jam. This will allow the mixture to cool and then add it to the cream. With a spatula, stir all the ingredients until they are all integrated.

Put in individual molds or in some wafers and let cool for a couple of hours in the fridge.

Lactose-free rice pudding


Rice pudding is a preparation that should not be consumed often, although from time to time it is one of the best desserts that exist. It has large amounts of sugar, an ingredient that has been shown to affect metabolic health when consumed in excess.


225 gr. of rice.

100 gr. sugar.

1 1/2 lt. soy milk.

A cinnamon stick.

1 lemon (only the skin).

Ground cinnamon to taste


Wash the rice well so that it releases some of its starch. Some people leave the rice to soak overnight, but it is not essential, just leave it for a few minutes or wash it under running tap water. It is important to use a short grain or round grain rice, which is ideal for this type of dessert.

Put the milk to cook in a pot with the sugar, the cinnamon stick and the lemon peel, leave it over medium heat until it starts to boil. Add the drained rice, put it over a low heat and cook for half an hour or so, until the grain of rice is tender.

You have to stir from time to time so that the rice does not stick. When there is little milk left and the rice is ready, remove the container from the heat. Let it rest for a bit before distributing into individual containers or in the dish in which you are going to place it, removing the cinnamon sticks and the lemon peel.

Make lactose-free dessert recipes

You have to try these lactose-free dessert recipes. And if you want to make a delicious dessert or smoothies remember that there are alternative products with which you can substitute dairy. Spice up your life with a delicious dessert for everyone at home.

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