Tips For Your Child To Speak Fluently

Tips for your child to speak fluently

Love, patience and dedication are the main ingredients for your baby to speak fluently. In this way it will develop in a much more independent way.

The communication  it is a human need from birth. From the moment we hold them in our arms, we realize that they will try to convey messages to us, through crying, babbling, smiles, gestures, etc. Y Although there is no magic trick to get them talking fast, it is essential to know the tools to help you .

According to experts in neurolinguistics, special attention must be paid to stimulating speech, since all are programmed to do so . That is, knowing that the child will be able to pronounce the first words with the passage of time, it is necessary to strive for early motivation so that he learns by training.

Communication is a need that the child will demonstrate by crying or babbling

According to this science, mom and dad can’t miss any opportunity to talk  to the little ones For example, when they are feeding him, if they are going to bathe him, when dedicating time to play or if they have made a mistake. Not only will this encourage him to communicate through words, but he’ll be able to bond with you from the start.

Consistency is the key to success to achieve this goal, therefore, you must use repetition to achieve it together . If you are going to offer him water, do not hesitate to use phrases like: “here is the water”, “have some water”, “how rich the water is”. Insisting with certain phrases will help her associate the words with the different objects.

 Avoid putting pressure on your baby

Although that little human being manages to wrinkle our hearts and makes us speak to him in a certain tone of voice to pamper him, it is important that we speak firmly to him at every moment . Of course, we can leave these expressions or particular language when we want to make him affectionate or comfort him in a situation.

Many mothers worry about seeing how other little ones begin to communicate with the environment with clear words or concrete gestures. However, it should also be noted that Each child has their own abilities, particular skills and a different degree of understanding. Without a doubt, pressuring them would be a serious mistake . Let him speak in due time and help him with stimulation techniques.

Children will learn to speak at their own pace and without pressure

10 tips for you

Speech therapists say that, between 18 months and two years, babies should have extensive vocabulary development, reaching about 200 to 250 words . But, if this is not the case with your child, try to go to a specialist to guide you, evaluate him and give you some of his techniques so that he can speak.

In addition to this, try to follow these simple tips so that together you can achieve that beautiful goal:

  • Take advantage of meals to induce speech
  • Teach him to drink liquids with a straw or straw
  • Avoid talking like you are a baby
  • Mention the name of everything
  • Tell them a bedtime story
  • Don’t avoid mentioning any words
  • Sing easy-to-understand songs
  • Use visual aids and point your hand at things
  • Turn this activity into a game, taking advantage of natural curiosity.

Three foods allies of speech

If your child already consumes solid foods, you cannot miss the opportunity to offer him certain foods that will strengthen intelligence and memory . These two factors are relevant for the learning process to be fast, efficient and without so many obstacles.

The eggs are  the first choice on the list, thanks to contain choline, a substance that promotes synapses (connections between neurons). The speed at which this process occurs influences reasoning, emotions, thinking, among others. In theory, the better you are, the better your skills.

Eggs, beets, and oily fish will help them speak faster

On the other hand, beetroot is an amazing vegetable for this task, as it contains uridine monophosphate , which fulfills the same function as the previous one and increases cognitive abilities.

And what can not be missing in the complementary diet is oily fish, which has docosahexaenoic acid ( omega 3 fatty acid , which helps in the development of intelligence . Regarding this option, you have to wait until it is one year old and the pediatrician authorizes its intake, because it can arouse allergic reactions.

Getting your son to talk fast is a team effort between him, mommy and daddy. Never pressure him to say what you want; Conversely, make learning fun and the three of you can enjoy these growing times .

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