Take Care Of The Words You Use With Your Children

Take care of the words you use with your children

“You’re so bad”, “How bad you behave!”, “You bring out the worst in me”, “You’ll see when I catch you” , are just some of the sadly most heard phrases throughout the childhood of a child. From You Are Mom , we will give you this advice: take care of the words you use with your children.

On a daily basis, some attitudes, behaviors and behaviors of your child generate discomfort and even great anger. But you must be patient and know how to set limits and rules from love, since these unfortunate phrases only negatively impact children.

If you have ever used one of those phrases or similar, even if it is hot, change your posture and take care of the words you use to address yourself or to speak with your children, since -as is well known- sometimes, a single word can hurt more than a thousand blows.

Manage your anger, watch the words


It is not strange to end ‘throwing in the towel’. Exploding is sometimes unavoidable, so the situation brings out our loud and bossy side. Sermons, punishments of various kinds and, why not, undesirable blackmail are present here.

For this reason, even if it seems absurd or crazy, in these uncomfortable and annoying circumstances you can do nothing better than focus on yourself  to properly manage your emotions and your own behavior, reducing the child’s fear and increasing your ability to influence him. .

Without a doubt, even if you are still surprised, your positive leadership can establish the deepest and most effective patterns of connection and cooperation, as well as bring down the rebellion of children. In the same way, if you take care of the words you use with them, you will be able to bring down childhood anxiety and stress.

As we always say in education, there is no better instrument than leading by example. Children are like sponges that absorb everything they see and hear, repeating especially the bad. So resorting to this series of unfortunate propositions would be a failure.

Take care of the words: their self-esteem and security will thank you

Do you want to make your child more orderly, studious and responsible? You do not need to resort to hurtful words that duel with their self-esteem and security as they only send negative evaluations about the person of the child.

Be careful with words if you do not want to send your little one a dangerous message capable of reflecting a wrong image of himself and putting it on a role that clearly does not correspond to him. He may err, but he will never be a bad child; it may cause a temporary displeasure but it will never harm your health.

If you want your guys to be consistent, just don’t be an extremist. Do not impose the rules from fear, it is not necessary to raise your voice, much less resort to blows that hurt at the moment but leave marks for life.

Remember that childhood contemplates those initial years of life, the most plastic stage of the minor’s personality, who does not need rigor, but affection, protection and containment. With gestures and beautiful words you can leave the best legacy to your child and be even a better mother than you already are.


Take care of the words even to motivate the baby

Of course it is also possible to motivate children from a young age by carefully choosing each sentence. Well, not only when it comes to scolding you must take care of your proposals, but also when it comes time to draw its wings to offer it the highest and most stable flight.

The boy can even be motivated to know and understand what is wanted from and for him. Do not forget that motivation is your best ally when it comes to educating children as it awakens positive action in them around their daily tasks.

But be very careful around this point, since we must avoid falling into negative motivations that only manage to promote the opposite of what is expected of the infant. So watch your words and put aside those that only arouse humiliation and reinforce negative attitudes.

Do not forget that many phrases can carry deep and irreversible emotional damage, as well as an imminent alteration to the child’s affectivity. Deep down, you know well that you are not looking for a perfect child, but rather an extremely happy child, knowing that he is naturally imperfect.

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