What To Do If My Child Has A Sun Allergy?

Your child’s sensitive skin can suffer from exposure to the sun and, consequently, allergic reactions can appear. We tell you everything you need to know about sun allergy in the following article.
What to do if my child has a sun allergy?

There are many mothers who exclaim: “my son has an allergy to the sun”, while expressing their concern and ignorance about it. However, it must be taken into account that all children can suffer from reactions to the sun and that there is no reason why they suffer from this sensitivity.

Sun allergy is actually a common term that refers to a series of reactions that cause a rash on the skin that has been exposed to the sun.

Sometimes the sensitive skin of children reacts badly to the sun’s rays, even when covered with sunscreen. Rashes are caused by a variety of reasons; These range from simple sun exposure to taking certain medications or using certain products during exposure.

What to do if my child has a sun allergy?

The allergy causes hives to form on the area of ​​the skin that is exposed to the sun’s rays. Red, itchy spots or bumps appear minutes after exposure.

Certainly, they can last few hours or even days. The allergy can become chronic, but the symptoms can be treated.

These are the most common sun allergies your child may experience. In addition, we tell you how you can do to avoid or treat them:

1.- Eruption of polymorphic light

It is an immune reaction produced by light hits the skin. This itchy rash is the most common of all sun allergies. It appears in the form of multiple spots or blisters.

My child has a sun allergy, what can I do?

If your child has a polymorphic light rash,  you should  try to gradually expose him to sunlight. Start with just a few minutes a day and gradually build up stamina. If the rash is mild, it may be helpful to be in mild sunlight in the spring as this can help to acclimate the skin.

If your child has a severe rash, the GP may prescribe a steroid cream to apply at night.

2.- Drug-induced sensitivity to light

This rash is also quite common; It is suffered by children who take certain types of medications while in the sun. It affects all parts of the body that have been in contact with sunlight.

Stopping the drug will usually help relieve symptoms, but this should only be done if the drug you are taking is not essential. If you have doubts, we recommend that you consult a professional. If problems persist, your doctor may refer you to a specialist.

3.- Contact dermatitis

This is another allergic reaction that occurs when a chemical reacts with the sun. Causes an allergen to form; consequently, the child’s skin becomes irritated.

It is less common than the previous two. This rash affects all parts of the body that have been in contact with certain chemicals such as soaps, perfumes and other toiletries, and then are exposed to the sun. In severe cases, the rash can cause blisters and hives.

You should try to identify the chemical source causing the reaction and stop using it, in addition to protecting the child from the sun. It is also recommended to take antihistamines, wash the affected areas well, and soothe any swelling with calamine lotion.

Some children have a sun allergy.

What are the risk factors if my child has a sun allergy?

Sun allergy cannot be so easily diagnosed.  This is because at first the symptoms are like any other allergic reaction.

Skin rashes are the usual sign of this sensitivity; the marks on the child’s skin forever. In fact, they will affect your skin and are not easy to treat.

Exposure to the sun is practically inevitable, so treating this type of allergy is not easy. Also, medications take time to work, and allergic reactions begin shortly after exposure. In extreme cases, these can cause skin cancer.

In short, you must bear in mind that children’s skin is very sensitive and is exposed to this type of allergic reaction. Finally, we recommend that you protect your child with solar factor and gradually expose him to the sun.

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