We Are Mothers And We Work, We Are Fighters And We Move Forward

Today’s woman works and takes care of her children. And, although the time he shares with his little ones is less, he strives to make it of quality.
We are mothers and we work, we are fighters and we move forward

The women of this century are mothers and we work at the same time. Gone is the time when women only took care of the children, the husband and the house. Today’s women have one or two children and are professionals, workers, freelancers …

Getting up every morning with the sole concern of making lunch, taking the dog out, cleaning the floor and ironing clothes is almost a rarity. The tasks within the house and the responsibility of raising the children are shared between the couple, or at least, this is the way it should happen.

The woman no longer stays at home waiting for the arrival of her husband and the little ones who come from school. Today she is independent, the owner of her own life and financially self-sufficient. She occupies administrative and management positions, leads teams, carries out large-scale projects… In short, today’s woman is as competent as anyone else.

But, in addition, the woman of this time remains a loving mother. And not because you go out to work every morning you pay less attention and give less love to your little ones. To you who are a fighting mother who is not daunted by difficulties, who is always afloat regardless of the tide … we want to dedicate this post to you.

Job responsibilities versus childcare?


Today women are mothers and we work, so we spend less time at home. The office, the store, the supermarket stall … whatever a woman’s workspace, this becomes her second home. This is why, not infrequently, there are those who express opinions such as: “she is more concerned about her work than about her children.”

We know that these statements are completely wrong and, on many occasions, malicious. Still, we know that at certain times they can hurt you. That is why we stop to lift your spirits and free you from the guilt that you may carry.

Mom, precisely because you care so much about your children is that you work so hard and have so little time to rest. You do it because you care about the financial support that brings bread to the table, that dresses and shoes your little ones, that pays for their vaccinations and their studies.

You care about giving them a safe home, a roof to sleep under each night, and being able to offer them entertainment and material necessities as well. If you didn’t care about all this, you wouldn’t work as hard.

Quality time

But, of course, the material riches that you can give them do not prevent you from feeling guilty about spending less time with them. As they do not compensate for the love or affection you have for them, we know that. Now, listen: childcare is not a question of quantity but of quality.

Although your little ones need you to be by their side for as many moments as possible, what will benefit them the most is that the hours you dedicate to them, even if they are few, you use to do things together that you all like. Go for a walk together, play, chat, have fun and give each other affection.


It is of little use that you sit next to each other but each one remains glued to their computer screen. Or that while you talk, you “take advantage” of the time to do some housework.

We are mothers and we work, we are fighters and we move forward

Woman, do not feel guilty for wanting to maintain your economic independence, be useful to society, be recognized for your intellectual merits or improve yourself professionally. You are a human being and, like the rest, you deserve to have a life of your own.

A fighting woman who works and gets ahead is worthy of admiration, not criticism. Remember this always. Your children love you, they adore the time you spend with them because they make the most of it and have a lot of fun.

The children you are raising are proud of the working mother and woman that you are and benefit from the good example you set for them. Because they learn from you that through perseverance, sacrifice and effort goals are achieved. They are being educated as good people, emotionally strong, victorious and happy. And it’s thanks to you.

Mom and freelance worker.  The key to success

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