4 Ideas For Birthday Cakes

If your child has a birthday, don’t miss these 4 cake ideas. Surprise him with that design that he likes so much! However, keep in mind that this type of preparation should not be consumed regularly.
4 ideas for birthday cakes

The cake is the essential element of a birthday, of course, after the birthday boy. No matter how old you are, people look forward to this day and imagine an unusual cake. If you are planning a party for your child, these birthday cake ideas can be of great help.

Although it may seem silly, it is not the same to eat cake any day of the year, because your birthday is something special. Therefore, every day you see more moms looking for ideas for birthday cakes for their children or someone very special.

For that reason, we have decided to gather the best ideas for birthday cakes so that this year you can show off and present a unique recipe that will surprise everyone. Don’t miss out: take note of these birthday cake ideas.

4 ideas for birthday cakes

Write down all these ideas to surprise on his next birthday.

1.- Animal puzzle for birthday cake

It is an idea that the little ones will surely love; and, if you love cookies, much more. This is a very easy birthday cake to make and in the preparation of which your little one will surely be able to help; this will make it a lot more fun.

It is a birthday cake formed with biscuits in the shape of animals; You will need to layer about four or five layers of cookies.

Sure, it all depends on the size of the cake you want. First, make the cookie dough and filling that your child prefers. Next, roll out the dough and have your child cut as many cookies as possible with an animal cookie cutter.

After you have them all ready, start making a puzzle. First, a layer of cookies and then a layer of filling. So until the cake is complete. It will surely look fabulous!

Rainbow desserts can also make great birthday cakes.

2.- Piñata cake

A spectacular idea for lovers of cakes and sweets. Also, it is a surprise that kids will love. Anyway, keep in mind that these types of recipes have to be prepared in an unusual way. They contain sugar in their composition, an ingredient that has been shown to be harmful when consumed in excess.

Although it seems a bit complicated, this cake is very easy to make . You only have to prepare two cakes with the mixture that you like the most and that, of course, you know how to make very well. Preferably, they are the same size.

When you have them ready, you must remove the top of both cakes with the help of a very sharp knife, trying to make it straight. Now, take one of them and, very carefully, mark a smaller circle inside, leaving a border of 5 to 7 centimeters; be careful not to cut too deep.

Later, remove the filling from the cake and place a handful of chocolates and other trinkets that your child likes inside. Then, very carefully, place the other cake covering the hole and match the edges of both cakes.

Finally, decorate with the cream of your choice. When the children cut the cake, they will be able to see the big surprise.

3.- Cakes in glasses or jars

An idea of ​​cakes for when you do not have many guests. It can be for young children, when you choose the decoration, or for teenagers, who are already a little more “serious”. These little individual cakes can get a lot of attention if you make a beautiful colored cake.

For this, you just have to make several thin cakes. Take the same mixture and, with a few drops of food coloring, paint a small portion of the colors of the rainbow.

Take all the preparations to the oven; when done, cut out with a circular cookie cutter. Assemble them with your favorite filling inside the glass or jar and it will be ready, you will have your individual cake!

There are numerous options of birthday cakes for children.

4.- Cakes with fondant

For bakers, fondant is a magical mix; for kids, too. With it you can make the most wonderful creations of the characters you want. Try using a chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa in its preparation. This ingredient contains phytonutrients capable of improving cardiovascular health, according to a study published in Phytotherapy Research.

Prepare different birthday cakes

Moreover, you can enjoy a delicious cake. If your child wants a Star Wars cake , princesses, The Avengers or any other character that he likes for his next birthday , a cake with fondant coverage will be the best choice.

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