Grandparents And Grandchildren: 6 Books About Their Relationships

The connection and bond that is created between grandparents and grandchildren is extremely special.
Grandparents and Grandchildren: 6 Books About Their Relationships

In families there are always figures that are more relevant to children than others. In the vast majority of cases, these people whom the child considers most important in his life are the ones with whom he spends the most time.

However, there is a very special bond that many children tend to have with a specific relative: grandparents. Relationships between grandparents and grandchildren are always present, and it is one of the most beautiful bonds that are established throughout life.

Therefore, so that the little ones never forget them and so that the older ones remember everything they have experienced, below, we leave you a selection of books about grandparents and grandchildren that you will love to enjoy.

Children’s books about grandparents and grandchildren

Grandfather’s secret

Without a doubt, one of the memories that most of us have about our grandparents are the moments we spent together in which they told us stories and experiences.

Grandmother reading a book with her granddaughter.

And that happens to the protagonists of the story, Miguel and MarĂ­a, who enjoy the stories that their grandfather tells them. Children’s interest in grandfather’s stories is such that they end up asking grandfather what he is inspired by: imagination is the best companion.

This book is from my grandfather

An ideal book with which to work together adults and children, recommended for children from three years to nine. In this book you will not find a story to read, but it will be the children themselves with the help of the older ones who complete the book.

Its pages contain numerous activities for both writing and drawing. All of them are related to aspects of the life of grandparents: hobbies, tastes and information about life in general. A wonderful opportunity for grandparents and grandchildren to get to know each other a little more. To play, to imagine, to create, to feel. A great way to have a memory for the future.

Brazos Largos , one of the most tender books about grandparents and grandchildren

Within the selection of books about grandparents and grandchildren, without a doubt, this will be one of the ones that will bring you the most memories of your grandparents if you enjoy it with your children. This title pays a wonderful tribute to the connection and bond that is created between a grandmother and a granddaughter when they begin to enjoy and discover the world together.

The perfect situation of the two characters, each at one end of time, breaks all possible barriers by creating a perfect connection. An illustrated album with wonderful and different illustrations recommended for children from six years of age and for anyone who wants to remember these important people in life.

The incredible story of … the gangster grandmother

Ben’s grandmother, although she may seem like an old and boring lady with whom the boy does not want to spend time, has a great secret: she is a thief known worldwide and with a recognized reputation for her assaults.

Grandfather reading a book to his grandson.

When Ben learns this secret, Friday nights at his grandmother’s will never be the same again, and together they will raid one of the most important loots in history. A story full of fun, nonsense and humor with which grandparents and grandchildren can enjoy together, and thus promote activities as important as reading.

How I love you, grandpa! / How I love you, grandmother!

A book with some texts in the form of poetry that show a different and very beautiful way of thanking grandparents for everything they do for their grandchildren.

In addition, it is an ideal book for first readers, since the texts are written with both capital letters and linked letters to facilitate autonomous reading by children. Is there a better way to enjoy time together than with this fantastic book?

This particular book is part of the collection Today is a special day! , which includes other titles just as interesting for the little ones. However, one stands out among them. And it is that, in the same way that one of the books has been dedicated to the figure of the grandfather, there is also one dedicated to the grandmother.

Children's books about the family

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