5 Outstanding Books Of The Red Series Of The Steam Ship

Encouraging reading in young people is essential to ensure that this age group with low reading rates maintain this hobby in their day-to-day lives.
5 outstanding books from the Red Series of The Steam Boat

There are children’s editorials that have been a benchmark for the world of children’s and young people’s literature for many years. These consolidated publishers, and more specifically their books and stories, are used both in classrooms as an educational tool, and in homes as elements for learning and fun.

One of the most prominent publishers in the world of children’s literature is SM. This publishing house also has one of the collections that hundreds and hundreds of children have used in their school years: El Barco de Vapor.

Structure of the Steam Boat collection

Such is the success, the importance and the number of books that make up this collection has been divided, in turn, into four sections or series. Each of them includes titles for a recommended age, being structured as follows:

  • White Series : older than six years.
  • Blue : older than seven years.
  • Orange : older than eight years.
  • Red Series : older than ten years.

More specifically, today we will focus on making a selection of the most outstanding books that the Red Series includes from this fantastic and consolidated collection.

Boy reading one of the books of the Red Series of The Steam Boat in his bed.

Steamboat Red Series

The red series of El Barco de Vapor by the SM publishing house is aimed at the older public and, therefore, more aimed at young people. With stories for people over ten years old, his novels mainly portray problems and stories from the real world, bringing them closer to young people so that they feel identified.

Next, we show you the outstanding books of this series that already includes 115 titles

Featured books from the Red Series of The Steam Boat

I have a little gray aura

A story that deals with the characteristics of each person with humor. An ideal topic to deal with young people from the age of ten who are beginning to enter preadolescence. And it is that the protagonist of the story knows that he is a strange person: his mother is extravagant, his ideas are catastrophic and he has a clear emotional instability.

Finis Mundi , one of the most widely read books in the Red Series of El Barco de Vapor

Without a doubt, one of the most outstanding books of the Red Series of El Barco de Vapor , and even of the entire collection, is the one that takes place in the year 997 and has a monk as its protagonist.

A novel full of adventures written by Laura Gallego, one of the most outstanding authors of juvenile literature who won the El Barco de Vapor Award in 1998  and is recommended for young people from twelve years of age.

The Secret Life of Rebeca Paradise

Winner of the El Barco de Vapor Award in 2015The Secret Life of Rebeca Paradise is a fun story recommended for young people from ten years old. In its pages you will meet the protagonist, Úrsula, an eleven-year-old girl, five worms kept in a box and a cat lost in space.

But, of all the elements in Úrsula’s life, there is one that stands out above the rest: her double life as a secret spy where she calls herself Rebeca. In the life of this young girl nothing is what it seems and we never know when she is telling the truth. A good tool for dealing with lies and deception.

Teen boys reading mystery and suspense books.

Am I the Princess or the Frog?

The books on young people’s diaries that tell their experiences enchant the readers. Therefore, this diary of Vicky B will be a success for those who like to enjoy situations similar to personal ones. With a magnificent humor to not stop laughing at the writer’s witticisms, the book will offer young people realistic themes such as friendship, love, family or school life.

The ambigu and the case of the statue

Books on crime mystery and intrigue delight young people and are one of the genres that most hook them.

In this case, three friends will be involved in the case of a large organization of art dealers and will have to solve the mystery of one of the most important statues of Michelangelo. Teamwork, mystery and art are the themes that give life to the history of these pages.

Classics adapted for children

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