Diet During Gastroenteritis

Have you ever had gastroenteritis? We tell you all about the nutritional treatment of gastroenteritis since some mistakes are often made.
Diet during gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis is a gastrointestinal infection caused by a virus. It is characterized by the appearance of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Given the symptoms produced, appetite is reduced and easily digestible foods are usually eaten. It is what is known as a soft diet. However, most often make dietary mistakes during gastroenteritis.

Diet during gastroenteritis

Fluid replacement, the first objective of the diet during gastroenteritis

First, it is important to replace fluids lost from frequent diarrhea and vomiting (more than three times in a day). How do you do it? Through water, infusions, rice water or defatted broth, for example.

It is also recommended to consume the electrolytes through an oral solution of physiological saline. The reason is that it provides potassium, the mineral that we eliminate in the greatest amount, in this case, and low amounts of sodium and glucose. Have you ever used it? Most likely, you have resorted to isotonic drinks for advice or ignorance.

Woman running to the bathroom with a roll of toilet paper due to gastroenteritis.

However, although they contain electrolytes, they are high in sodium and sugar. In this way, diarrhea worsens, since the sodium-potassium balance of the body is disturbed and the digestive tract is stimulated. For this reason, isotonic drinks such as Aquarius, among others, are not recommended.

If the replacement is not carried out properly, it leads to dehydration, and endangers the functioning of the body and even death, if it is not detected in time. Likewise, before commenting on the diet to follow, it is necessary to supplement zinc in cases of deficiency.


The recommendation par excellence is to eat as soon as we feel better and are hungry. As a general rule, a diet is followed in which little gastric juices are secreted and the speed is reduced throughout the entire digestive tract. Therefore, include foods low in fiber, lactose and fat free. Even acidic and spicy foods that irritate the digestive mucosa are avoided.

Some of the recommended foods are:

  • Refined cereals (cooked rice, potatoes and pasta and bread).
  • White meat and fish, such as chicken, rabbit, sea bream, sea bass, sole, etc.
  • You can test egg tolerance by starting with the white and then whole.
  • Natural yogurts, cottage cheese and fresh cheese (whole or smoothie).
  • Cooked, low-fiber vegetables and greens, such as carrots, squash, and zucchini.
  • Cooked, roasted or stewed apple or pear, or well-ripened banana.
  • As soon as stomach upset subsides, try small amounts of cooked, crushed, and peeled legumes, such as lentils and peas. Or the plain white tofu.
    Pregnant woman with gastroenteritis.

    Instead, we will avoid whole grains, blue fish, milk, aged and creamy cheese, all crucifers (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, etc.), leeks, asparagus, onion, raw vegetables in salad, raw fruits, citrus fruits and legumes (whole and especially chickpeas and beans).

    Other measures investigated: probiotics and prebiotics

    Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and ESPGHAN (European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology and Nutrition) agree to avoid the use of probiotics routinely.

    In addition, there is controversy in the studies due to the strain, the dose and the duration, so it cannot be extrapolated except in cases caused by taking antibiotics. In the latter case, Saccharomyces boulardii NCM I-745 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG are the ones that have shown good results and have been studied in depth.

    At this point, remember that fluid and electrolyte replacement are key to recovery, especially in babies, children, pregnant women and the elderly. And finally, remain at rest while you feel tired and the frequency of going to the bathroom is high.

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