Recipes With The Thermomix For Children

The world of technology has long reached the kitchen. There are thermomix recipes for children that will provide them with the necessary nutrients, in addition to offering a pleasant texture and flavor for them.
Recipes with the thermomix for children

The recipes with the thermomix allow innovations with varied nutritional ingredients. In this way, complete dishes can be prepared in a practical and fast way.

There are many different ideas for preparing food with this food processor. The best thing is to resort to those that prioritize the consumption of fresh products, thus avoiding the contribution of trans fats and simple sugars.

The thermomix is ​​special for cooking for children

The technological renovation came to the kitchen with the thermomix. It is a multiprocessor kitchen robot created in the 80s. The recipes with the thermomix allow to satisfy the tastes of children in a practical way.

What functions does the thermomix fulfill?

  • Chop and mince. It is suitable for any kind of food, hard or soft
  • Shred. It allows to obtain purees and creams with different textures.
  • Grind and pulverize. With this function you can prepare seasonings or flours. It is widely used by people who need special flours, gluten-free, for example.
  • Turbo. This function is used for very hard ingredients, such as ice, aged cheeses or nuts.
  • Knead. The doughs prepared with thermomix are perfect, as it mixes the ingredients gently and kneads them almost professionally.
  • Bat. Replaces the common mixer in all cases. It is especially useful for cocktails and soups.
  • Emulsifies. It perfectly combines ingredients that are traditionally difficult to combine, such as oil and vinegar. Special for preparing excellent vinaigrettes, sauces and dressings, as well as ice cream and sweet bases.

All these functions make the thermomix one of the most practical tools for the kitchen. The advice is to always have it within reach.

The thermomix allows you to prepare recipes in record time.

Recipes with the thermomix for children

When it comes to thinking about what to cook for children, the use of the thermomix expands the possibilities. With its multiple functions it eliminates the problem of how to make this or that dish in which the ingredients must be processed. Although any recipe can be prepared with the thermomix, we will see some practical examples:


This dish is mainly characterized by its protein content, which is essential to promote muscle function, according to a study published in the journal Nutrients .

In the thermomix glass place:

  • 1/2 cup of bread crumbs, 3 or 4 tablespoons of milk, 1 egg and parsley. Beat 15 seconds.
  • Add half a kilo of minced meat, salt and continue beating until everything is integrated.
  • Shape the meatballs and coat them in flour.
  • Fry them in hot oil.

They can be served alone or with a tomato or garden sauce, the one that children like the most.


A recipe with the thermomix that is very attractive for adults and children is pizza. With the multiprocessor , a perfect homemade dough is prepared, without dirtying anything other than the glass and without effort when kneading.

To prepare it:

  • Place a little warm water, a pinch of sugar and two tablespoons of oil in the glass. Emulsify.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of yeast and operate for 4 seconds at low speed.
  • Incorporate 500 grams of flour and the necessary salt. Process at slow speed.
  • When the dough is ready, let it ferment until it doubles in volume.
  • Knead with the thermomix for 2 minutes.
  • The dough is now ready to roll out and bake. Once stretched, it can be topped with traditional tomato sauce and other ingredients added. Children generally like olives and hard-boiled eggs.
  • Then add the mozzarella and put in the oven until golden on the base.
Pizza is one of the favorite foods for children.

Muffins without oven

Delicious for breakfasts and snacks, the muffins are always well received by children.

However, remember that this recipe should not be consumed or prepared daily, due to its sugar content. This ingredient has been shown to impair metabolic health when ingested continuously and excessively.

  • Beat 3 eggs with 200 grams of sugar.
  • Add 1 cup of milk, 350 grams of flour and 2 teaspoons of baking powder. Mix.
  • Prepare the muffin tins and fill them up to three-quarters full.
  • Put half a liter of water in the thermomix glass. Heat to varoma temperature.
  • Place the containers with the muffins in the varoma container and place it on the thermomix. The water should boil 10-15 minutes. They will be ready to eat.

Chicken and peach cream

 Healthy and nutritious, this cream is very popular with children. It can be served warm or cold. Easy to prepare and eat, it is a recipe with the thermomix very chosen for children.

  • Boil 300 grams of chicken breast.
  • Cook ¼ cup of rice.
  • Place the breast, the rice, the peeled and cut peach, a tablespoon of milk and salt in the thermomix glass.
  • Program the machine at 100º C for 7 seconds at speed 6 and it will be ready.

Prepare tasty recipes with the thermomix

Preparing recipes with the thermomix is ​​like having an effective kitchen helper at home. Any family recipe can be prepared with this robot, and of course also the dishes for the little ones in the house.

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