How To Travel By Plane With Children

How to travel by plane with children

The holidays have arrived and the whole family is about to embark on their long-awaited journey, one that begins at the airport. It will be about 15 hours of flight plus stopovers, it sounds bearable for any teenager and adult, but what if you have to fly with children? You may be wondering how to travel by plane with children? How do you keep them happy? How to make this a pleasant experience for the child?

First of all show him the wonders of flying as it is certainly fun; in fact flying is amazing. Remember that your children are not going on a business trip, so they will be very excited to fly through the sky.

To introduce them to this world, Gareth Williams, CEO of Skyscanner recommends: “Don’t forget that flying was once wonderful. For them, it still is, so show them the little houses, the clouds, the setting sun… If they let you, have them visit the cockpit ”. Even adults like it. Your child may decide to be a pilot, which is fine, until he decides he wants to be something else.

Do not forget essential things when boarding the plane, such as vomit bags, although generally there are always on the plane, it is better to be forewarned since the chances of vomiting are higher in children.

When things get difficult and what you put into practice to reassure the child does not take effect, make sure to bring, for example, their favorite teddy bear or special toy and always have a spare one, as there is a risk that the beloved companion will get lost and be lost. unleash a drama. So when you buy her a stuffed animal, buy an extra one for when you go on a trip, and if the worst happens, then replace the forgotten one with the new one.

Try to make the airplane flight itinerary friendly

Whenever possible, fly during normal hours, meaning when children are most likely to fall asleep. Take a break at airports whenever you can, this may seem a bit out of place, but it makes perfect sense.

Many people used to flying with children say that their children do better when they make several flights in transit than a single very long one. Children have time to move, run or jump at airports, which they are not allowed on board.

It is always highly recommended that the little ones go to the bathroom before take off. Of course, like most tips for kids, it’s easier said than done. The “I don’t need it” that the boy had said recently turns into a “I have to go now” in a matter of minutes.

It is also better that they do not drink a lot of fluids or they will not stop going to the bathroom for the entire flight, at the same time disturbing the person in the aisle seat.

Take your forecasts to travel comfortably

Try taking an electronic gadget like a tablet or iPad with preloaded games and videos with you to keep them entertained. This helps a lot on long flights, and don’t be afraid if your child ends up addicted to electronics.

It is only a strategy due to the flight. Let him entertain himself with something that interests him; at home you will limit the time that he can spend in front of the computer or playing games.

Don’t forget that a hungry child will be noticed by being more conditioned and comfortable during the flight. So until the food is served on board, give him a sandwich that you have previously saved and if it is a favorite of the better child, the situation is special and deserves it.

The clothing is something of care, watching that they are comfortable is also. A child dressed impractically or appropriately for the situation will be an unhappy child.

When you go on a plane trip it is very easy to go from cold to hot in a matter of minutes, so make sure you are dressed in comfortable clothes, take an extra change of clothes and a sweater and have them on hand in case it is long. cold. Remember that if you don’t use it, it can act as a pillow when they decide to fall asleep.

Ear drops are also a safe bet for counteracting pressure due to altitude change.

This is very important and as a mother you should keep it in mind: Don’t forget to take care of yourself. As you invest all your efforts in managing the best behavior of your children during travel and flights, do not forget about yourself. If you are fine, everything will be fine.

Try to be firm and in control the entire time until they have reached the site and you can rest confidently. If you are in good shape, you will be much better able to withstand the inevitable tests that your children will put you through during the flight.

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