Fear Of The White Coat In Children

The fear of the white coat in children

Many children are terrified of visiting the doctor. A phenomenon known as the fear of the white coat, and that, as we say, is much more common than we think.

The fear of the white coat

He thinks that for them, all these tests or consultations pose a threat to their well-being. In addition, they are aware that some medical tests lead to parental separation and they are afraid to face it. If your child suffers when going to the doctor’s office, you see him nervous and crying, take note of these recommendations to alleviate the panic of the white coat.

Don’t fool him

Don’t tell him he won’t go to the doctor if he really does. It is better that he knows so that he does not feel betrayed by you. The key is to notify you, but not too far in advance, two days will be enough. Something that will make the procedure more bearable is to wait as little as possible in the consultation, so always try to go in advance so that the wait is as short as possible. You will prevent him from getting more nervous.

Don’t threaten him

white coat 2

Threatening and getting angry is not the solution. Also, you can only increase their fear further. You must bear in mind that many of the childhood fears that children have of doctors come from the resource that many parents use to threaten them with phrases such as the doctor will prick you, etc.

Answer your questions

Perhaps the result of fear itself, your child asks you if what they are going to do will hurt him. The best thing is that you inform him of why you are going to the doctor and what they are going to do.

Of course, all with a language appropriate to his age. You better not fool him by saying it won’t hurt if you know it will. The best thing is that you try to downplay it as long as you tell the truth.

Highlight the positive part

Tell him that if he goes to the doctor it is easier for him to heal, etc. In short, tell him that the doctor will heal him and that thanks to him he will no longer have a stomach ache, snot, etc. You can also tell him that at the end of the consultation they will give him a treat, for example.

Remember that they are children and many pediatricians do. If not, in addition, you can always carry that treat in your bag and that’s it. Talk about the pediatrician by name, even if it doesn’t seem like it, it will end up being more familiar and friendly.

You must be calm

We cannot ask our child to be calm if we are not. We must remember that they look at us. As we are, it will be a state of mind that will end up being transferred to them.

Talk to him continuously

If you talk to him continuously, he will feel calmer. Do it once you are in the consultation, while the doctor is recognizing it. In short, it is about distracting them as much as possible so that they relax and obtain greater security.

Give him safety with toys

If the child can take a comfortable toy that he likes and that can be suitable for the place where he is going to be, he will feel more self-confident and stronger.

Encourage you to interact with healthcare personnel

If the pediatrician or nurse speaks to the child, try to get him to answer. Thus, he himself will see that he establishes a closer and trusting relationship with the people who are going to be in charge of his care, and he will feel calmer.

Praise him for his good behavior

If he has been good, you should let him know at the end. Thus, the next time he will respond to you while also at the height of the circumstances. In case he hasn’t, don’t scold him too much. He thinks that he is afraid and that he must overcome it little by little.

Be patient

Above all, you must be patient. If he does not succeed this time, think that as he grows and with the visits the child, little by little, will overcome his fear.

It is a more or less long process depending on each case, but in the end you will be able to overcome it and that is what counts. In good spirits, you will more than overcome your fear of the white coat.

The cry of the child at the doctor

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