Being A Mother After 35 Years

Being a mother after age 35

The very idea of ​​becoming a mother after age 35 is associated in the minds of most people with risks during pregnancy or childbirth. However, recent studies affirm that not everything is negative in a delivery at this age.

A study published by the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society revealed that being a mother after age 35 improves a woman’s mental abilities. The study also highlights that those who got pregnant for the first time after the age of 35 had better results on tests of mental acuity, problem solving and verbal abilities.

Being a mother in today’s world

This news is definitely good for most of the women who develop in today’s society, which is characterized by professionals who decide to develop in the professional field before dedicating themselves to their personal life, which leads women to be mothers in increasingly advanced ages.

Medicine has established that in biological terms the ideal age for women to become pregnant is 25 years. However, in our current society the average age to become a mother for the first time has been delayed.

For example, in countries like Spain, according to data provided by the INE, the regular age of first-time mothers is 32.2 years, although there are also a significant number of women who have their first baby after 35 years of age .

Being a mother after 35 also has advantages.

Benefits of being a mother after 35

The study mentioned above is not the only one that has highlighted the benefits of being a new mother at an advanced age, as there are others who highlight that there are other advantages of becoming a mother after reaching 35 years of age. One of them was carried out in 2014 and states that women who are mothers at 33 years of age or older could live longer than those who gave birth under 33 years of age.

Other Boston University research revealed that women who choose to become mothers after age 35 are twice as likely to live to be 95 or older than women whose last child was born before they turned 30. .

There is another study that has shown benefits of late motherhood. This was done by a group of researchers from the University of Southern California, who based on the responses of more than 830 postmenopausal women,  also found a positive relationship between being a mother after 35 and mental abilities.

The reasons, according to this research, are related to the increase in hormones that are generated during pregnancy, so that they can positively affect brain chemistry. The survey suggests that the older the woman is, the longer these alterations will last in her brain, which trigger an improvement in cognitive function in advanced ages.

Is there a suitable age to be a mother?

Today, economic stability is very important for women. They have known how to become independent in this area and are also knowing how to fight to share – shoulder to shoulder – the responsibilities that running a home entails.

Achieving this stability encourages them to live the experience of motherhood, since they feel that they will be able to do it fully; But after that age, a woman’s biological clock is no longer precise and all the chances of being a mother diminish over the years.

Being a mother after 35 has advantages and disadvantages.

Risks of being a mother after 35

On the other hand, the risks of being a mother after the age of 35 are associated with the increased chances of suffering any complications during pregnancy, including the risk of miscarriage and the increase in the baby being born with chromosomal abnormalities.

Medical statistics reveal that 30% of pregnant women over 35 suffer from some perinatal pathology or complications. The most common are gestational diabetes, hypertension (the main cause of prematurity) and uterine bleeding. In the same way, they increase the chances of suffering a premature birth. 10% of deliveries to mothers over 35 years of age are premature.

However, all these risks are measurable and also controllable with adequate medical support.

Having more children slows down the aging process

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