What Is The Meaning Of Family?

By delving a little deeper into the concept of family, we can find very interesting questions and, undoubtedly, this leads us to ask ourselves: do we really know what a family is?
What is the meaning of family?

The concept of family has not remained static, but has evolved over the years, depending on the changes that have occurred in society. It is a word that designates a very important social group in people’s lives. And although each person interprets this concept in a particular way, according to their reality, the importance of the family remains latent.

What is universal in all definitions is the fact that a family implies the existence of a bond, above all an affective one, between two or more people. This bond is reinforced by goals, values, beliefs, traditions, behaviors, experiences, and even activities shared by members. We will discuss the subject in more detail below.

The concept of family

There are many meanings of the term; however, the oldest is the one that defines the family as “a social group made up of a mother, a father and their children”; the basic cell of society. Today this structure is known as the “traditional or nuclear family”.

In this sense, one of the most accepted meanings is found in the Oxford Dictionary in Spanish and indicates the following: “Set of ancestors, descendants and other people related to each other, by blood or legal kinship.”

Although the previous meaning is a starting point to understand this concept, it is necessary to know the other existing meanings. One of them indicates that the family is a group of two or more people who share goals and values, who have a long-term commitment to each other, and who generally reside in the same home.

According to the above, a family does not necessarily have to be made up of a father, a mother and their children, but there is room for other groups. For example, a mother and her daughters can form a family in the same way as two parents and their children.

What is it really about?

Mother and children preparing cookie dough in the kitchen.

When there are medical difficulties that prevent having children or there is some other type of emotional barrier, parents adopt children and identify as a family. So, the concept of family no longer implies that there was necessarily a blood bond between parents and children.

On the other hand, there are many people who without having children consider their friends as their family, given the affection that exists between them. Also, there are people who include their pets as members of the family unit. It is, obviously, a rather sentimental concept that creates a sense of belonging, generates well-being and constitutes support for each of its members. In addition, it supposes the satisfaction of a primary need very typical of the human being: security.

Other conceptions of the term

Many people consider that their friends are part of their family, they can even come to feel closer than their brothers, uncles, cousins, etc. However, it must be clarified that  the fact that a friend is considered as family is not exclusive. That is, even if you have a friend as a relative, the brothers will continue to be the brothers.

Although it may not seem so at first glance, family units made up or complemented by friends are very common. For this reason, it is said that friendships are “the family that one chooses”. It is therefore a conscious choice to which a special meaning is attributed given the affection and affinity that one has towards friends.

The purpose of the family

4 strategies to teach your children to love each other more.

From the psychological point of view, it is understood that a family must offer all its members the opportunity to develop their social potential. To do this, it will allow each of them to prepare for adaptive processes in a safe and responsible environment. In addition, it should help to:

  • Create everyday habits.
  • Promote self-control and educate in the management of emotions through different schemes; as well as channeling energies that can lead to harmful impulses for oneself and others, especially violence and authoritarianism.
  • Protect all its members and prepare them for independence through education and respect.
  • Celebrate the personal development of each of its members to promote the common welfare.

It is important not to restrict the concept, since each person has the right to define what they consider a family according to their reality. From the bonds, the elements in common and, above all, the affection, the basis can be formed to understand and feel the concept of family.

The language of the family nucleus

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