5 Things You Should Know About The Use Of Social Networks In Children

Social networks are excellent for members of the whole family, however its use should be cautious in the smallest of the house. We’ll tell you then.
5 things you should know about the use of social networks in children

New technologies permeate the life of every family with their new possibilities. They go through the daily life of both adults and children. However, there are a number of things you should know about the use of social networks in children.

Well, it is essential to save some care before giving your children freedom to make their profiles. As we well know, there is no way to regulate the age of access to networks. Therefore, in them it is possible to find a large number of minors browsing Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others.

This is precisely what makes them vulnerable to the dangers posed by these tools. Although the minimum age has been established by the pertinent legislation as 14 years of age, this is not fulfilled. So, these 5 data that we share about the use of social networks in children are very useful.

Learn about the use of social networks in children


Surely you wonder why it is so important to learn about the use of social networks in children. In the first instance, for the safety and physical and mental integrity of your child. Also, remember that -as a mother / father-, you are responsible for the minor’s participation in such virtual sites.

It is not good that a parent is not aware of the benefits of the system, nor of the risks and dangers that it can entail. Only in this way will the kids be protected and will be able to enjoy these modern instruments in the best way possible.

The various sources consulted coincide in the main measure to be taken in these cases. It is about delaying the use of the networks by your children as much as possible. In the event that the child already has an active profile at a young age, then it simply remains to exercise control over his threats.

However, there are many more details that you should consider before the first use of social networks in children. Well, don’t forget that each network has its own characteristics and peculiarities, which is why you should always be alert and informed.

Everything you have to know, and transmit to the minor

  • Do not open emails, direct messages or private messages from strangers. When creating a social network, you necessarily link an email box. You may receive emails from strangers there, many of them in other languages. Do not open them as they are usually spam and contain files with viruses capable of damaging your computer. On the other hand, it prevents the minor from opening direct or private messages from unknown people on the networks. This can be very risky, so it should only be possible under your supervision.
  • Avoid filling out forms online. That the minor does not complete forms with personal data, even less if they arrive by email. The least you should never provide on any page address, telephone and bank details on your own.
  • Username and password security. Specialists recommend using invented nicknames or, in any case, not using the full name. That way you would be providing information that can be used by malicious people. In the same way, when choosing a password, it increases its complexity and security. To do this, you only have to combine upper and lower case letters with numbers. Of course, you must be able to remember it, but without resorting to personal data such as document number, date of birth and so on. Never share your password as it can be used to replace your identity.
  • Private profiles and “right of admission”, always!  Set your child’s profile to always show closed. On the other hand, do not accept friend requests or follow-ups from people who do not belong to the child’s environment. Only allow those with whom you have regular contact. It may be that for a boy to determine this item is very complex, so it is recommended that the older one do it.
  • Take care of the information, photos and comments of the minor on the networks. It is the primary rule in the use of social networks in children. Do not include information that makes it possible to identify the location. In the same way, you must take care of the type of photo that is uploaded since it would not be the first case of an image copied and pasted elsewhere. Around the comments, teach that – as in your real day – do not insult or disqualify other people.

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