Recommendations For Treating Pregnancy Hemorrhoids

Recommendations for treating pregnancy hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are more frequent than we might believe, but around this problem there is still a certain taboo; For this reason, many times we do not know its presence and therefore also its treatment. Although it is a condition that can affect anyone, during pregnancy they are more likely due to increased pressure in the anus.

The common constipation, inflammation of the veins in the legs and the time of delivery are also potential triggers for inflammation of the intestinal tissue. Consequently, this period is conducive to the appearance of hemorrhoids, which is why 40% of women can be affected by this problem during pregnancy.

The complication of hemorrhoids usually occurs when it comes to its exteriorization, which leads to a prolapse and annoying pain. The discomfort of external hemorrhoids are more common when the woman sits down, to clean herself or simply to move; those that become thrombi can be very painful.

In the case of internal ones, they can become almost imperceptible, sometimes they cause little pain and their only complication can be a slight bleeding in the stools. Although this bleeding can be worrisome for a pregnant woman, in this case it does not represent any risk to the fetus.

Main symptoms of hemorrhoids


It is easy to identify the signs that indicate the appearance of hemorrhoids, as we already know they are common during pregnancy, they can appear at any stage of pregnancy but are more recurrent during the third trimester. During the final period of pregnancy, more pressure is exerted on the anus, which is one of the main causes of its appearance.

The symptoms that show the presence of hemorrhoids can be the following.

  • Pain in the area, especially during bowel movements
  • Burning
  • Pruritus
  • Discomfort when walking, sitting, or changing position while sleeping
  • Occasional bleeding

How to treat pregnancy hemorrhoids?

As we have said, this problem usually occurs frequently during pregnancy, although it can be prevented through a diet rich in fiber and adequate hydration ; we cannot totally avoid his condition. However, there are measures that can be put into practice to treat them and seek the relief we want.

The recommendations made by experienced specialists and mothers are as follows.

  • In general, some drugs are indicated, but in case of pregnancy it is preferable to avoid most of the medication. Sometimes, the complication of hemorrhoids leads to surgery, which should be avoided as much as possible during this stage.
  • Creams or suppositories may be indicated, as long as they are safe for the fetus
  • Natural remedies involve treatment with warm water, some women have also found the application of ice packs and others of hot water
  • To relieve friction, it is recommended to wear cotton underwear and prefer cleaning with wet towels instead of toilet paper
  • It is very important to maintain proper hygiene, especially after bowel movements, as any remaining stool could cause itching. It is advisable to wash with water and neutral soap after going to the bathroom, then it should be dried well to avoid humidity in the area
  • Avoid sitting or standing for a long time, and sleeping on your side rather than your back
  • To improve the situation it is also advisable to modify our eating habits, so that the stool softens to prevent more pain
  • Physical exercise also helps to improve circulation, but we must avoid riding a bicycle, because it could hurt our position on the saddle
  • Maintain a regular meal schedule and avoid as much as possible the consumption of foods that can cause flatulence or are astringent
  • Remember to see your doctor in case there is a lot of pain, especially postpartum, due to episiotomy or cesarean section.

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