My Son Doesn’t Want To Go To College

Youth brings with it numerous doubts and insecurities that in many cases make it difficult to make important decisions that will define the future of the individual.
My son doesn't want to go to college

They finish the preparatory studies for the boys and it is time to decide what to do for the rest of their lives, a crucial event for any individual. As parents we hope that our children already see themselves clearly in the future practicing a profession and, therefore, have decided to study a professional career. But what do I do if my child doesn’t want to go to college?

My son doesn’t want to go to college

Some kids may think that life is eternal and that there will be many more opportunities to do the things their parents tell them to do. They feel that they have a whole life ahead of them and that the whole world is ready to indulge their whims, since they are in a stage where fun and friends are the priority, moving to studies later.

Many parents, after doing their best to ensure their youngster’s academic readiness, find great frustration when their children are not interested in college or are not at all clear about what they want to do with their lives.

The first reaction is to get angry and determine how much effort cannot be left like that. But our controversial attitude will not be of any help to the premature decision of our boys. The best we can do is strike up a harmonious conversation with them and have them clearly state their motives there.  The information you gather will be the starting material for your orientation work.

Take care of the way you act with your children

The constant search for comfort together with rebellion are very common behaviors in most boys. Many take the habit of adopting an attitude of contempt before the orders of their parents, especially when they present them as their sole responsibility to study, a duty that they are reluctant to assume.

My son doesn't want to go to college.

Now, as parents we tend to make the mistake, many times, of giving our children material things and comforts without them having earned it by their own effort. It is simply a way to self-satisfy those deficiencies that we had when we were his age. With this we only reinforce the absence of desire for improvement and responsibility.

In some cases, it can even create the feeling that it is not worth studying or working, since their parents will always be there to provide everything they need: clothing, footwear, entertainment and more. It is not a matter of denying benefits to our children, it is teaching them that the only way to get things is with effort and dedication.

Help your child find his vocation

Many boys choose to study a university degree because it has a high demand in the labor field and high income, often regardless of whether it is their vocation or not. Sometimes, they are selected by family tradition when young people are constantly repeated from an early age “your father is a doctor and you will be too.” Both cases then lead to dropouts or frustrated professionals.

From childhood, our children show off their best skills and these can give us an indication of what their professional profile will be. It is not that it is the rule for all cases, but many times what they are passionate about as children is related to the career to which they decide to dedicate themselves all their lives.

If the skills that your child possesses are many, then what we should do is look for professions that have something to do with them and break down their characteristics, field of work, implications, universities that teach them, among other details, so that together they can find the one with which you most identify and have the greatest accessibility.

The professional vocation of your child may be drained in small details, those that are overlooked thanks to everyday life. A good and long conversation with many options on the table will help you channel those rebellious emotions typical of adolescence towards a concrete path of professional goals.

My son doesn't want to go to college.


In short, when we open ourselves to the large number of occupational and professional options together with our children, it is likely that the phrase “my son does not want to go to university” is easily displaced.

It is necessary to make it clear to them that vocational training is not an obligation, it is a right and a privilege that many would like to have, which will undoubtedly provide them with more opportunities. Take advantage of it or not is a personal decision that is only in your hands.

My son starts college

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